Just using the platform behavior, jumping seems to come and go. Ill some times have to press the jump button 3 or times before the player jumps while running... this is a big issue for me as the game is a platformer so jumping needs to be precise. Any words of advice on why this isnt working?
Implementing reliable platform movements
For the most reliable platform movement, it is recommended to use a invisible rectangle sprite with no animations with the Platform movement. Then, the animated player object can be positioned on top of that. Otherwise, the changing size and collision polygon of the object as its animation plays can interfere with the Platform movement's floor, wall and slope detection, causing a shaking or glitchy movement. For more information and a complete guide, see the tutorial How to make a Platform game.
If you didn't do it, I suggest applying the platform behavior on a rectangle, then pin the graphics onto it (if you have multiple instances to work with, containers will be of help)