Who wants CocoonJS support back?

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From the Asset Store
Controller Support ,TouchScreen Support , Keyboard Support , Action Platformer, Lots of Animations
  • And then Microsofts does exactly the opposite of what is needed.

    Badumbum, ting.

  • Ok, great post Ashley and I can get behind that. Everything seems awesome for Android, or at least moving in a positive direction.

    However for those of us that Develop for Apple as well, it seems like the Ejecta has many of the same "gotchas" in your list. So what is the option there? Hopefully we are not expected to wait for io8 to launch and get installed on devices and cross our fingers that the new phonegap is our savior for ios dev .

    Thanks again for all the hard work.

  • Pros of CocoonJS:

    4. Everything works and runs smoothly on mobile.

    Only for small games, and even then it crashes on a lot of devices.

  • Ok, great post Ashley and I can get behind that. Everything seems awesome for Android, or at least moving in a positive direction.

    However for those of us that Develop for Apple as well, it seems like the Ejecta has many of the same "gotchas" in your list. So what is the option there? Hopefully we are not expected to wait for io8 to launch and get installed on devices and cross our fingers that the new phonegap is our savior for ios dev .

    Thanks again for all the hard work.

    Just keep exporting to CocoonJS

  • ASHLEY. Thanks for the information.

  • We will also be looking in to IAP and ad support for Crosswalk/PhoneGap for the next beta.


    I used phonegap since dreamweaver first supported phonegap (not phonegap build service).

    And I had it on my mind and struggled to make app which support all platforms phonegap provided.

    The dream starts to be realized with construct2, now.

    Any way,

    I made native & c2 Phonegap Admob and c2 Phonegap IAP plugin.

    Among them, I made Phonegap Admob native github plugin by myself.

    If you use Phonegap Admob native github plugin in official c2 Phonegap plugin, I can support you beside and the reliability from that will affect my business affirmatively.

    (If you want natvie iAd plugin, I can also supply and support it. (It also I made native plugin), and others also supply)

    Now, I made Phonegap Admob and Phonegap IAP plugin free.

    I wonder what's your thought about this?


  • cranberrygame

    Are you taking some portion or percentage of the ad revenue from your native plugin at github? I saw some admob pro plugin at github that will take 2% adrevenue. The non pro admob plugin will have less fill rate or something.

  • cranberrygame

    Are you taking some portion or percentage of the ad revenue from your native plugin at github? I saw some admob pro plugin at github that will take 2% adrevenue. The non pro admob plugin will have less fill rate or something.


    Hi, tumira

    I distribute free or paid plugins (two forms, no % share form)

    I want to get not % share but scirra members' reliability by supporting scirra.

    Following is my github and post:

    My github is https://github.com/cranberrygame/com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.ad.admob.overlay

    and my post is [Plugin] Phonegap related plugins (+Crosswalk)

    But you are saying about following github and post: both are 2% ad share

    non pro: https://github.com/floatinghotpot/cordova-plugin-admob

    pro: https://github.com/floatinghotpot/cordova-admob-pro

    post: [Plugin] Admob Ads for Crosswalk

    And didn't you know his non pro version also 2% ad shareing?

    See non pro Admob.java: https://github.com/floatinghotpot/cordova-plugin-admob/blob/master/src/android/AdMob.java

    (line 196 ~ 207)

    	    if((new Random()).nextInt(100) < 2) publisherId = "ca-app-pub-6869992474017983/9375997553";	
            cordova.getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){
                public void run() {
                    if(adView == null) {
                        adView = new AdView(cordova.getActivity());
                        adView.setAdListener(new BannerListener());
    I requested Arne to clarify this.
    If you didn't know the fact that his non pro is 2% ad share, you can also request him to clarify this point.
    tumira misunderstand about your admob plugin.
    So if you more clarify the point (non pro is also 2% ad share) , tumira, me and other scirra members probably more appreciate your plugins.
    And I linked your plugins in the bottom of my post.
  • cranberrygame

    Thank you for your explaination. I was a bit worried.


    When will the official plugin for phonegap released?

  • tumira

    If you need plugins for phonegap, right now.

    You can use scirra member made phonegap related plugins:

    Admob Ads for Crosswalk

    Facebook 2.1

    Parse - Cloud data

    PhoneGap PushPlugin

    Phonegap related plugins (+Crosswalk)

  • early last year i made an html5 productivity app and i wrapped it with phonegap for ios

    all i had to do was download the phonegap zip, run a script file on mac, and compile using xcode

    i did not have to download megabytes of files, install thousands of sdks etc

    the final app was 1.5mb in size!

    i don't know if things changed from 2013 to now. i see that now phonegap is a product of adobe. is cordova the same thing?

  • I'd love to get rid of Cocoon... but it's the only program that allows me to use the text box to enter names into my game.

    For the time being, I'm sadly stuck with it!

  • We've tried all the alternatives, but so far our apps always perform much better in CocoonJS (despite all of its problems).

    For this reason, I think it's better to continue providing the option of using CJS, in the exporters list. People should be able to choose the solution which best suits their needs (and for us that's CocoonJS).

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  • I'd love to get rid of Cocoon... but it's the only program that allows me to use the text box to enter names into my game.

    For the time being, I'm sadly stuck with it!

    Is there a problem with the basic textboxes of C2?

    We've tried all the alternatives, but so far our apps always perform much better in CocoonJS (despite all of its problems).

    For this reason, I think it's better to continue providing the option of using CJS, in the exporters list. People should be able to choose the solution which best suits their needs (and for us that's CocoonJS).

    This is what has been done, it is just hidden by default so new users don't plan on targetting it.

  • Aphrodite,

    As previously stated, I think the option should continue to be easily available, directly within the exporters list (which is no longer the case)! As you mentioned, the CJS option has now been hidden.

    My statement suggested that people should be allowed to choose for themselves, and the CJS option should be presented to ALL users (old or new). This would mean maintaining the option in the exporters list and NOT hiding it!

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