Who wants CocoonJS support back?

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  • r179 version update was a big disappointment, instead of giving better support for CocoonJS, Scirra decided to put it in the trash can.

    We know CocoonJS is pain in the ass but a lot of people are using it on this platform. Maybe giving the open source plugin more attention and release an official CocoonJS plugin for C2 with a small support is still the best option?

    If you think the same just post on this topic.

    Maybe I'm the only one asking for this, if it's like that I'm sorry for taking your time, Thanks!

  • I was quite miffed when I read that cocoonjs has been dropped as a normal exporter. There was no consultation and no discussion. I have 5 apps using cocoon for iOS and Android, never had any major issues. And the one problem I did have I got much support from Ludei to fix it.

    I feel an undercurrent of Scirra having a personal issue with Ludei and, in my opinion, that should not play a role in this.

    There don't appear to be any one-stop-shop alternatives for CocoonJS and quickly reading about the alternatives people complain about problems there also.

    To be honest I am annoyed and surprised by this unilateral move. Please restore CocoonJS

  • Crosswalk isn't still enough for me to switch yet.. Mainly GPU blacklisting, (same app I can run on the same GPU at 60fps on CocoonJS)

    Yeah just bring it back and update it to the latest Open-Source.. I have to skip out on this beta version and continue with the stable..

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  • "Maybe giving the open source plugin more attention and release an official CocoonJS plugin for C2 with a small support is still the best option?"

    Seems familiar... oh right, there was an official cocoonJS plugin, but ludei did not a great job at keeping scirra knowing informations to maintain it properly

    Then ashley gave it to ludei so they do it themselves correctly, they released it as an open source plug in so they won t have to do it.

    It was also a broken plugin when it became open source.

    Cocoonjs is a clunky exporter that scirra cannot control in any way possible, so they shpould not support it in any way, also it is not really that compatible with c2, at the end, depreciating it is the best thing they could have done, it is clunky, if users wants to use it, sure, they can, but this is a responsability scirra should not take since if cocoonjs fails once again, then scirra will be hurt by it another time, with no control over it.

    It is just too big of a risk, and a decision that was not immature, they kept supporting it for years, always dissapointing, crosswalks and ejecta were added just to have a valid alternative to cocoonjs, but right now cocoonjs is still preferred over them (which also implies small games are mostly made, since the memory management of c2 is incompatible with cocoonjs).

    At the end, if you have problem with cocoonjs, you may want to talk to ludei directly, it is them that maintain the wrapper.scirra cannot do anything nor guarantee it will work, only for that it should not be listed inside the exporters.

    However, it should not be completely dropped (it is not completely dropped here so it is ok)

    Edit:since this topic is for people wanting it back, It might not have been wise to post here as the post count would increase, if this post disturbs someone, I can delete it.

    I think you can still export to cocoonjs using the beta, it is a depreciated exporter, which means it is accesible via a right click on the exporter list.

  • Ludei support sucks, there is no memory management, but at least APKs are not terrible big and as stated "Crosswalk isn't still enough for me to switch yet.. Mainly GPU blacklisting, (same app I can run on the same GPU at 60fps on CocoonJS)". For now the only hope are more experienced C2 users, who will update Ludei plugin.

    Also it is worth to mention, that still, after months, there are no free ads for Crosswalk and new hope - PhoneGap - will be paid 9.99$ monthly if you create more than 1 app.

    Also I have silly question:

    PhoneGap is the new hope for Scirra (previously it was CocoonJS, then Crosswalk) and it is based on Apache Cordova: http://cordova.apache.org/ So why Scirra does not build their own cloud compiler based on Apache Cordova too? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> It's rhetoric question, because I already know the answer <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">


    "Cocoonjs is a clunky exporter that scirra cannot control in any way possible"

    not counting memory management issues, this clunky exporter is still better than Crosswalk. Yes or No? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • szymek

    "So why Scirra does not build their own cloud compiler based on Apache Cordova too? "

    It's because Scirra is a very small company and keeping track on 2 softwares would take a lot of time. Instead using alternative methods like CocoonJS, Crosswalk, Ejacta or Phonegap, gives more time for the developers to keep C2 up to date.

    I'm upset that instead of increasing the alternative methods Scirra tries to reduce it. Every wrapper got their bugs and problems. Crosswalk does, Ejacta does and Phonegap is not even free. When you are making X game, you use Y wrapper, because that's suits you better and Z wrapper is buggy. But when you make Q game Y wrapper is buggy, you use Z wrapper instead because it's suits you better.

    What if you have 1 wrapper to count on ? Well just wait for the next update that takes forever to have your problem fixed.

    But why stop at CocoonJS ? Why not add more wrappers to choose from.

  • Basically Scirra said we went from a to c, and decided enough was enough, because d's nuts.

    Anyway its depreciated, meaning existing projects can still use it.

    Nothing keeping people from sharing those.

  • Just to add my concern.

    Ejecta has NEVER worked for my big games, and I have tried many days to troubleshoot it. It always crashes on startup or stuck at the logo.

    CocoonJS works fine with the same games and runs great even on iPad 2 or iPad Mini 1st gen.

    For Android I definitely prefer Intel XDK/Xwalk now that its got 3rd party plugin support (thanks cranberrygame for the awesome plugins, including AdMob & IAPs). But for iOS, CocoonJS is still the only viable solution currently and for the longer term.

    iOS8 is great but adoption will be slow, it will be ~1 year or more after its release before it is the dominant iOS. Android L is even slower due to the pace of OS upgrades on that platform.

    But for the C2 users, even if Scirra doesn't officially support it (they havent really for awhile now), it doesn't matter because you can install it via github anyway so that's not an issue. I just put it here as a perspective thing, CJS has its faults but it still works.

  • I actually like CocoonJS and used it successfully to distribute most of my games on both iOS and Android. It's really a pity to see it going the "deprecated" route...

  • i also used cjs to publish my ios games, tried ejecta, it has audio issues, at this time cjs still is most stable solution to ios publishing, i understand ludei is a pain to work with, but theres no better way to export to ios in near future.

    i'd suggest scirra team to work on the 'almost working' github version of cjs plugin, probably less work than updating the official c2 cjs plugin.

  • Holy shit, that was quick.

    + 1 What Silverforce, roberto and hollowthreat said.

    I think it is WAY too early for this. A year from now - maybe - when people have moved to iOS 8 and PhoneGap is proven to work, this could be the way to go. Like it or not, CocoonJS is still the best option when publishing for iOS.

    Sigh. As much as I love C2, things have taken some weird and unexpected turns lately and tbh I feel really uneasy to keep using C2 as a professional tool. I understand it is still possible to use CJS, but jumping through some extra hoops to export the only way that works for me... well.

    We will see.

  • good point about iOS publishing options


    good point about supporting github CocoonJS plugin

  • We can go to Ludei's Github to download latest opensource CocoonJS plugin,

    and if Ashley don't want to see any bug report about CocooJS,

    we can just go to Ludei's poor community site or Github, that's OK.

    What I am afraid is:

    Deprecating CocoonJS to hidden expoter maybe means Ashley won't maintain the exporter itself anymore, and if someday CocoonJS made even minor change which affected CocoonJS exporter of C2, our projects will die immediately and forever.

    I beg Ashley support back CocoonJS,

    even exporter itself is enough.

  • It will be fine, bugs and whatever will be fixed on GitHub, its no big deal.

    What's a bigger deal, is if Ludei went out of business, their SDK integration relies on their own servers to communicate with Google (for IAPs) or MoPub. If they close down, your Ads won't show and your IAPs won't work.

    This is why I like Intel XDK, since the AdMob & IAP plugin calls directly to Google SDK.

  • It will be fine, bugs and whatever will be fixed on GitHub, its no big deal.

    What's a bigger deal, is if Ludei went out of business, their SDK integration relies on their own servers to communicate with Google (for IAPs) or MoPub. If they close down, your Ads won't show and your IAPs won't work.

    This is why I like Intel XDK, since the AdMob & IAP plugin calls directly to Google SDK.

    Good points. Also, this is more about timing than anything else. I think it is clear that CJS is slowly but surely getting old, but right now it is still the best solution we have.

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