Could someone please explain me how it works?
Manual says
nlerp(a, b, y) Reverse linear interpolation: if lerp(a, b, x) = y, then unlerp(a, b, y) = x. Calculates (y - a) / (b - a).
but to be fair i don't get it.
The manual gave the full definition: it calculates (y - a) / (b - a), which is the opposite of lerp. So unlerp(a, b, lerp(a, b, x)) = x. E.g. lerp(10, 20, 0.5) gives 15, so unlerp(10, 20, 15) gives 0.5.
Yes, that part of manual I can understand ;P
Let me rephrase my question. What about practical use of unlerp
I can easily comprehend what e.g. lerp(self.x,target.x,dt) do, but unlerp?
I know i'm missing something simple.
One possible use of unlerp is to do scrollbar math.
In layman's terms, it gives you the percentage of point between two values.
You have points A and B and you want to know where your "x" between points is in relation to those points. So you do unlerp(A,B,x) to see where the x is standing relative to the range between A and B.
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Thanks for the examples of using unlerp guys! It's SUPER useful stuff.