Another suggestion - rather than having a single obstacle type that defines intersecting grid cells as non-traversable, would it be possible to define obstacle types with a variable property that added corresponding cost to the edges that crossed those obstacles?
For example, a "wall"-type obstacle would be completely impassable, a "rough terrain"-type obstacle would not be impassable, but any route that crossed a cell containing that obstacle would be given a higher path cost, making it less favourable than a (perhaps longer in distance) route over lower cost terrain.
I think this would be a relatively easy change to addCellToOpenList() where the g score is assigned (currently as var curCellCost =, y_) * 50; - not sure where the 50 comes from?), but don't know if it would make the behaviour more complex for users who don't need that functionality.
On a side note, I see the heuristic used in the estimateH function is dx * 10 + dy * 10;, which, technically, is not admissable for A* because it doesn't guarantee to underestimate the true cost to the target node. Was this chosen to avoid the square root needed to get a true straight line heuristic?