Spriter/C2 - (9-16-2019 - bug fix)

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Rotate & Animation for 16 Direction & Mouse Direction
  • I love this! I have been looking for a good application to do this very thing, for a game I have had on the backburner for a while now, with 3D created character painted in 3dcoat etc.. and did screen capture and broke him down into separate parts, so far I have worked with tradnux, and several other similar apps, but thus far, this app seems to be the most of everything that I am looking for!

    Thank you very very much! You are awesome!

    Ciao' 4 now,


  • will we be able to have 2 (or more) separate spriter scml on the same screen at once?

    as nra said this works, also, because the import puts them into a container this works as well:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1013446/SpriterReleases/release/c2plugin/instructions/thisworks.PNG" border="0" />

    so, if there were 3 characters on screen, only the torso belonging to the same character as the clicked head would change opacity

    storm36969 Thank you very much.

    Also, to everyone else, just an update on progress:

    Working on Spriter program update currently, that will have some things such as default names for objects, and objects being local to the entire character(as opposed to the animation), which in short, both make importing much easier. This update also has some major upgrades in speed and stability, so that's what's taking all this time. When this is done, I'll update the plugin with bones, and any other new features that make it into this program build.

    Have some majorly awesome stuff coming once Spriter is a little further along, so while things are a little slow now, in about a month we should have some major expansions to what the plugin can do

  • Great news lucid

    I already bought my Spriter license and I am anxiously waiting for it launching! But fortunatelly the beta version is doing a good job in my project, until now.

    P.S: In my current tests I saw that instance creation of a Spriter object is working fine too. Lucid do you know if there are some limit in instance objects creation?


  • I'm getting all the pieces of my animation stacking one on top of the other, in c2. It looks fine in Chrome when I playtest it.

    Thanks! :D

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/93047429/Untitled-2.png<img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/93047429/Untitled-2.png" border="0">

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  • there shouldn't be any limits NRA

    Yswellin, that's just the way the import process places them. I'll ask Ashley, but I'm not sure if there's an easy way to make it show the character set up correctly in the editor

  • I've tried the example scml with the C2 platformer template, and I've noticed that the scml animation object lags behind the actual player object, which is rather odd. It's specially noticable if you zoom in.

  • Just went through the tutorial - this is an incredibly powerful tool when used in conjunction with C2! Bought the pro license with no hesitation <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> The only thing is, I'm not an artist so I'll probably have to buy sprite packs with body components or something...

  • Is there a tutorial for getting Spriter into C2 easily?


  • Not yet Guyon, but the only steps are to ensure the (temporary) scml file requirements are met, and just drag the scml file from the Spriter project into c2. Running a bit behind on that Spriter program update, but when it's ready, any scml file dropped into c2 will just work. I'll also add bone support to the plugin as well.

    thanks eyehawk and candescence

  • Need some help with the import process.

    I tried it with lucid's monster example, and just by dragging the scml file, Construct imports it perfectly, creating all the containers and events. When I tried mine, it just creates the scml file without importing the sprites.

    I tried to link it manually then but I got an error when I tried to run it.

    Lucid: Any updates on Spriter? I would love to use with the plugin for my current project. If not, there's gonna be a lot of workaround.


  • Need some help with the import process.

    I tried it with lucid's monster example, and just by dragging the scml file, Construct imports it perfectly, creating all the containers and events. When I tried mine, it just creates the scml file without importing the sprites.

    I tried to link it manually then but I got an error when I tried to run it.

    Lucid: Any updates on Spriter? I would love to use with the plugin for my current project. If not, there's gonna be a lot of workaround.


    I got that problem until I went into Spriter and gave a name for each object in the Persistent Objects panel. Double-click on the object, a little box appears, add a name. Rinse repeat until they all have names, then delete everything from your C2 file (the family, the .scml, the images, the files) and re-import it. If they show up in the editor, you have them named. Otherwise, you missed something. I hope that works!

  • I apologize for the double-post, but I wanted to separate my problem from my previous response.

    So I'm running into a strange problem with C2's Spriter implementation. I have the scml set to the position of a box sprite. That sprite has 8-dir movement. I use keyboard input to switch scml animations, and it works fine for moving from left to right. But if i switch to vertical movement, it leaves an after-image of at least SOMETHING. I can get around the after-image by, on startup, destroying the sprite object and then recreating it (thus, only one on screen). But then NOTHING shows up going up and down. Side to side works perfectly, though.

    I made a stripped-down project just to see if there was any interference. Nope, same thing happens.

    You can see the problem here: http://www.adamprack.com/spriterbug/

    CAPX: http://www.adamprack.com/spriterbug/spriterbug.capx

    I'm not sure if there's anything I'm doing wrong. And there aren't any errors that pop up, either.

    Perhaps the "every object on every frame" applies globally and not per-animation?

  • This is a question about Spriter, sorry C-7 not trying to side rail here just looking for more info on the plug-in.

    Will Spriter allow me to export my animation frames as a spritesheet? Or is that where the planned integration with TexturePacker comes into play?

    I am not too worried at this point about the more advanced features for creating animation paths, etc... but just in taking certain frames and exporting them as a simple sprite sheet based on the animations I have crated in Spriter.

  • C-7: I did not see the reply you posted! Thanks alot! It fixed my issue! Now I could consider using Spriter for this. Once again, thanks alot!

    EDIT: It seems sprites made with Spriter doesn't have a correct collision detection box. I tested both with touch and collison with object, and it seems the sprite's collision box is off....even after I tweaked them. Is that something I have to fix on Construct or Spriter?

  • Yung I don't know how complex of collision you need or if it must change per frame, but i just circumvent it by having an invisible solid box with my movement and tying the spriter character to that.

    BluePhaze you can do that now, it just isn't quite as simple. Go to file>save as png (away from computer, may be called something else), resize the box, and it will export every keyframe. It may not be all you need, but it's a start.

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