[quote:209x1yzn]Item popularity come and go in waves, and is not something that can be predicted or always influenced with price drop.
Good point, I'll drop this idea for now then.
[quote:209x1yzn]But for sound effects or graphics there might be the need for a multi-license. So this should be considered, maybe as a separate offer?
I've got to stop adding features to the store now, as we need to launch at some point. I'm not saying no to the possibility of this, but for initial launch the idea is to have one license for all, at one price for one unit. There's always the possibility of adding a feature in the future of allowing sellers to offer a % discount for minimum x units ordered of course.
[quote:209x1yzn]The definition of commercial project is a bit loose. Most royalty free licences at this sort of price exclude use in an advert, broadcast TV or theatrical release movies. Although it's unlikely people will use the assets for those things it might be an idea to clarify; maybe using "commercial game project" or "commercial software project" instead of simply commercial?
Absolutely, will add this in.
[quote:209x1yzn]A clause that the licensee mustn't claim or transfer attribution or the content might is another idea too
Again yes good point.
[quote:209x1yzn]All in all I'm happy with whatever decision is made but an idea would be to add something like: "name of resource" from "Scirra store" by "name of artist".
I'm afraid after a bit of thought I don't think we'll be adding any requirement for attribution. If sellers want, they can add their logos to the packs and have a polite txt file saying it would be nice if you could attribute, but for royalty free assets I don't think it should be a requirement.
Excellent and very useful feedback so far everyone, much thanks!