I am trying to make several language learning games,
thus having the sound and music files firing instantly is extremely important to the user experience,
I am wondering if Ashley (
Ashley ) would you please consider creating an option for the developer
to click a button to load / preload sounds and music in the initial download.
I know that this will add to the download time, but please let us ( the game developer) make the decision to add the time instead of it being made for us.
Just a thought,
and thanks for reading.
oh, and Ashley if you are reading this.
Music files (music only)
on iOS devices do not respond to volume controls BTW.
I have tested on 2 iOS devices with Safari and Chrome BTW and Music plays at normal 0db no matter the volume setting I put in the event sheet. oh, (still iOS) and Mute doesn't seem to work on music either
but all silent does work.
just a FYI. ( there are a few posts about this music iOS issue )