uuggg, your not the only one then. That's blowing my mind. Last night I had internet problem. So I rebooted the network. This gave my server a new IP. With a new IP I needed to update the game connection. I updated IP. Now here is the strange part. FF, Opera no problem. They get the new Ip address that was uploaded to the website. However, and this boggles me. Chrome is not. In fact I cleared various browsing data to empty the cache. Yet still on a fresh download the old IP address stuck in the code.
I'm not sure why our 2 copies of Chrome are using old versions. Maybe there is a webserver setting I can check on. It's annoying me :(
Two? that's a first, what's odd is that you were controlling them both. can you let me know your OS, hardware and location.
As for the mini teleports. That's expected behaviour. That's caused by two factors.
1. TCP/WS. TCP requires that the message is verified by the client and server. So the data is sent, recieved, then a confirmation is sent back before it's used. Then the data is ordered and used(if out of order) This increases overall lag. UDP(which is not standard yet) is a fire and forget. So TCP is naturally laggy.
2. Well developed TCP games even in real time. use dead reckoning and client prediction. These allow for player correction that is invisible to other players(unless extreme lag). however, the test shooter is very brute force. If the game clients are out of 'sync' the game will do a brute force correction which will look like teleport. So this is as intended, but only because it's simple... and not a feature :P
I'm not sure what's going on here. My friend who lives in the same city had a similar 10 seconds problem. However his starts fine in first 10 seconds, but then has lag problems after that.
Interesting enough. That's why the game starts entry players with 10 seconds of shields. So you can't be hit, and you can't hit back. The 10 second shield is only to compensate for entry syncing, memory sorting...
I understand you pain. I just added the referenced bindings(ZQ) to the project. I'm not sure when it will go live, but it's there.
I ended up using WASD or left keyboard bindings because of manual key checking for state updates. Also I'm not sure I will add more weapons, but if I do I wanted quick access to the number keys.
As for lag, well sounds like your in Europe. I consider 1 second lag to be amazing considering I'm in West Coast Canada :D. If only we had R-UDP :D. We could probably cut that in half or more :D
Thanks for the positive comments for those that managed to play.