The new Lighting & Shadowing System

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  • This is great! Looking forward to seeing more uses of the lighting and shadow system.

  • Ashley

    First of all, thank you so much for further developing the shadow system!

    I am trying to use the tags to create a scene where a crate that casts shadows is being shadowed by a wall that is supposed to be higher. I can't get how the tagging system works. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong? How am I supposed to differentiate the lights? As it is now, both lights are casting shadows on both objects.

    Please, see the following example

  • eli0s - both lights are set to cast from 'all'. You need to change that to 'same tag'. Also note system expressions don't pick objects so comparing the tag and moving the Z order will always move both of them.

  • eli0s - both lights are set to cast from 'all'. You need to change that to 'same tag'. Also note system expressions don't pick objects so comparing the tag and moving the Z order will always move both of them.

    Damn! I didn't even saw those parameters... It's even simpler than I expected

    Now, one last thing as food for thought. Is it possible to make semi-transparent shadows not build up when on top of each other (or have it as an option)..?

    Look at the following example:


    The desired visual result is the right one. But this is made by having the shadows 100% black on a separate layer, and lowering the layer's opacity. On the left side, the multi-z-ordered nature of the scene does not allow for such a solution, and the shadows build up, thus creating an unnatural result for a scene that it's supposaly lit from one directional source (the Sun) and has an ambient light (the sky) "breaking" the shadows...

  • Good example eli0s . Thanks!

  • Thanks iceangel , I 'd really like to know if someone find a solution for this.

  • I'm making a library for 3d and use the light system. Thanks

  • iceangel you mean with the new Q3D plugin? Or by somehow faking the 3d space..??? Either way, I am very-veeeery interested to see the results

  • Simulate 3D space. Ok

  • eli0s thanks for all the feedback, its very helpful!

  • eli0s great example! this will really come in handy!

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  • robertjs3 , beardedeagle , you are welcome guys, thanks for your kind words!

  • It's good, but the shadows looks like sun rays.

    If that's what it is supposed to be, then the trees should not be the ones casting it.

  • nemo you are right, check the SunRays example on page 4, it works more like the rays in your pictures. Of coarse I'd love to see other examples here in the forums, that's one of the reasons I started this topic.

    I will add the SunRays example on the first post by the way, just to be more accessible...

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