Wow, they still do not support SVG. I guess the enormous leap from GIF to PNG took away all of their technology points for the next 3 decades.
They still do not even support their own hardware, on their own web browser , on their own operating system. How can anyone take the commercials about it being a gaming platform seriously?
Thanks for the Heads up
BluePhaze :), Downloading now. I will sure be glad when web developers can start using bleeding edge technology. Microsoft has held web developers back for years now.
I gave up on web developing in the 1990's when I found out that I had to make a special webpage, just for IE users, because they can not render PNG files correctly. This was true up until just a couple of years ago.
The biggest reason technology like HTML5 lags is because the -ssholes will not adopt anything that they can not patent and have full control over. Only recently have they been giving it any attention.
HTML 5 could be the crushing blow to Adobe flash, but MS's obsessive lameness is giving Flash a better foothold than ever before.
I have a feeling Gaben is going to be our next "Bill Gates" with the new steambox. Once people see that they do not have to put up with Microsoft's abuse to play games, and to use all of their hardware properly, there will be no reason to use windows. Absolutely NONE.
I weep until the day our new supreme overlord and savior will arrive. Gaben please come rescue us!