Locked icon Experimental Greenworks plugin

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    Hi guys! I'm seriously considering putting one of my games to Greenlight. Is there any up-to-date tutorials/blog posts about the state of C2 x Steam where I could find information in one place?

    Seriously considering buying that plugin, if it works. Great job!

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    Chrome 52 should be out soon, followed shortly by NW.js 0.16 - I'll try again for that version.

    Thank you. It's good to feel informed.

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    I'd love to hear some official information about Scirra regarding this plugin.. They said it months ago that they're waiting for a 3rd party update to complete. Is this still the case? Steam support is very important and without MadSpy we'd only have an outdated experimental plugin. Can you please tell us something about this Ashley ? Don't leave us hanging please. It would be better than nothing to have a temporary export option that would export the game with this combination:

    > Awesome! It works with SDK 1.36 + nw.js 0.13.2 + greenworks 0.13.0. No black screens, no any problems, achievements works fine!


    It works just fine, just updated my game on Steam with NW 0.13, and Greenworks 0.13.

    I was previously on 0.13 alpha 7, and the final release build has some extra optimizations so the game runs even faster.

    Is there a reason why you would need 0.14 or 0.15? As far as I've tested, they aren't better. 0.13 is stable and no performance issues.

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    At this juncture everything works fine for my game too. But Linux and Mac builds are out of the running, because Greenworks plugin doesn’t work properly (black screen on Linux builds). There are two ways for me: 1. upload on steam Linux and Mac build without achievements and overlay 2. forget about Linux and mac players (10% of all players or so).

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    Laptop with embeded ATI cards on Ubuntu14 have a steam overlay issue (well know by Steam and ATI) else linux export works well

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    There are two ways for me: 1. upload on steam Linux and Mac build without achievements and overlay 2. forget about Linux and mac players (10% of all players or so).

    For myself, I'd rather not show achievements linked to the game if it only works on some computers and not on all.

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    does the greenworks plugin have any way to access if a game is owned in the steam library? trying to figure out how to check serial keys for an online game id like to submit to greenlight

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    2dgamedev , greenworks doesn't support this feature... but steam API does

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    I didn't succeed in building Greenworks myself last time, but two new pre-built versions of Greenworks have become available: one for NW.js 0.14.7 (the LTS branch) using Steamworks SDK 1.37, although for some reason this one omits the 32-bit platforms, and one for NW.js 0.15.0 (the second-newest) using Steamworks SDK 1.36, which includes all the platforms. I tested both and they both worked for me, so I've updated the original post in this thread with the new versions.

    I also revised the instructions on how to get it working to be clearer. It's also important to make sure you match the right NW.js version and Steamworks SDK version for the Greenworks version you are using. If any versions are different it seems to cause compatibility problems. We didn't have a NW.js-for-C2 build for 0.14.7, so I added it to make sure you can match the versions exactly.

    I don't know why the 0.14.7 release omits Greenworks for 32-bit Windows and Linux, but the 0.15 version has them all, so that looks like the best candidate for the time being. I don't know why the Greenworks team don't publish more releases, and I don't know why my own builds never seem to work (I may look in to that again if it's a long time before the next update), but hopefully at some point support for NW.js 0.16+ will appear too. NW.js 0.15 is based on Chrome 51 so that's a reasonably modern version to work with for the time being.

    Since it's a bit messy trying to match an exact NW.js version and Steamworks SDK version, I don't think we can realistically ship the Greenworks plugin as built-in to C2. Since NW.js can update independently of C2, having a fixed Greenworks plugin version built-in to C2 would break easily. Assuming the latest releases work OK, I think it would be better to add another table to the scirra.com/nwjs page listing all the Greenworks plugin releases available and the NW.js & Steamworks SDK versions they use, and then you can download whichever you want to work with, instead of being stuck with some fixed built-in version. So I think that would be the best we can do for officially providing the plugin.

    Let me know how everything works out.

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    Whether its included in C2 or not isn't as important as having it functional. So far it's working well for me, I'm using the one for NW.js 0.13, everything ok.

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    ...Assuming the latest releases work OK, I think it would be better to add another table to the scirra.com/nwjs page listing all the Greenworks plugin releases available and the NW.js & Steamworks SDK versions they use, and then you can download whichever you want to work with, instead of being stuck with some fixed built-in version. So I think that would be the best we can do for officially providing the plugin....

    That would be a much better solution that we have right now. Thinking about the users who don't necessary use the forum or know about this topic, you could also add some reference into the editor (like a new faded out object) that let's users know where they can download Greenworks (just like with NW.js). Or you can make bundles with the working NW.js and Greenworks plugin versions into a separate installer and create a new export option. Just thinking out loud.

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    Tested NW.js 0.15.0 with Steamworks SDK 1.36, the game works and shows up as being played on Steam, but no Steam overlay. I read the thread and apparently there's still no fix for newer NW.js versions? Adding --in-process-gpu did not work unfortunately.

    Edit: I got it working. It won't work if you only export, modify and run the game in any folder. You have to run it through Steam. I just went to my game's folder on Steam, deleted everything and copied the new files over and it now works.

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    maybe use not latest version SteamSDK/ I see in my installed games oldy version steam_api.dll (2012) for HL )))

    maybe use only one version and include this version to C2?

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    We're not allowed to distribute any Steam SDK files.

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    Hey, how I can deactivate the overlay once it is active?

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