2dgamedev's Forum Posts

  • howdy mate , can you fix the link to the example CapX? its 404'ed

  • ThePhotons Woo ! thanks for the bugfixes ,

    sorry about hte explaination being slightly confusing .. what i ment was if i join a room i didnt make , then host closes the room , then i leave and create my own room it would fail.. but I think you figured it out there so thanks for the extra effort!

  • digitalsoapbox , you can send a message that only goes to the master , I just send a function call that only the master gets and make Host=1; incase the host leaves, OnLeave just send that master call and will transfer host to a different client ~~ Send types ( All , others , masterclient)

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  • , send destination coordinates , and lerp the objects to those coordinates


    send the coordinates to variables called badguy.destinationX and badguy.destinationY , then lerp the current position to the destination , it will smooth out the jitters of hard coord sets



  • ThePhotons Hey Tobias , thanks for the response but Im not sure its something I'm doing seeing as Construct 2 bascially doesnt allow you to "fuckup" writing syntax ~

    I,only have yes or no as my choices, now i spent almost the entire day and I have found a solution albiet a really stupid one.. and I understand the bug a little more ~

    so heres how it goes down : the Host can shut the room. this breaks all the clients in the room except the host . the host is fine. If any client leaves , he can not make a game until he toggles the IsOpen boolen , ( doesnt even matter if hes in a room or not ) and that fixes the error and hes free to create games again .. i think whatever the host sends the clients to tell them to shut the room has a bug in it

    heres the code that lets me once agian create rooms with a broken client

    ^ if the above image is huge , open it in a new tab.. its scaling strange in the forum

  • ThePhotons

    Im having an issue .. if I join a room , then toggle IsOpen or isVisible , then leave the room and try to create a new room... I get this error and the room creation fails. but if i dont touch IsOpen or isVisible , i can join and leave and create as many rooms as I want

    any ideas?

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    does the greenworks plugin have any way to access if a game is owned in the steam library? trying to figure out how to check serial keys for an online game id like to submit to greenlight

  • hey guys! , I'm currently working on a Online arena game , and I'd like to have Serial Keys to combat people pirating and playing online anyways ~ whats the best option for this in C2?

    can i get access to steam API somehow ? or any alternatives?

  • the search function is indeed lacking , id be happy with a cycling up and down function like Classic CTRL -F searching

  • ThePhotons ,what happens when you go over your 500 msgs/sec limit? , do messages start to get lost or get queued or?

  • dinamicplay when you create room you can give it a String as its room name , i use the name Town+ random(0,9999) to make a string like Town2398 as an example.. then i use Regex to search for that town part of the string. if it finds it in the roomlist then join room (stringname)... that way you can join a random Town and make sure its a town and not some other random map .. because all rooms are just rooms with names since we cant use room properties .. #ranty explanation


    is there a way to access photon.time using the plugin? thinking about sending timestamps to compensate for latency

  • ThePhotons it's all good man I figured a solution , I'm just applying properties to the roomname and then using regex match to filter maps by the roomname string

  • ThePhotons , how do i join a random room with a specific custom property, aka joining random room with a specific "map"

    the Join random room action has no way to check or assign custom properties to filter with

    i can see theres a setPropertyOfMyRoom action , but i dont see a way to join by those custom properties

  • ThePhotons hey guys ~ any luck on that NW.JS fix? Still waiting on it

  • delaflaquita ,i provided error screenshots above. i dont have enough rep to post links so just delete the spaces