Thanks for the updates latly, great stuff.
I got a couple questions:
What's up with this 500 Msg/s limit ?
According to the calculator on your website I can send 31 Msg/s for a 4 Player game before i hit this threshold. How can that be enough for a realtime game?
The fish example works because of the choosen input method, but what about games that are controlled with gamepad or WASD ?
This kind of games have a much less predictable movement and have to be updated frequently.
Construct 2 runs with 60 FPS, so if I update my 4 players position every other tick im already at the max Msg/s allowed.
I know i can update less per sec and interpolate between the received updates but you can only go so far with that before it get's wonky and thats only the 4 player possitions, what about bullets, enemys, level changes...
Why can we only send strings ?
Can we? Maybe I overlooked something?!?!
Else, is this a general limit of photon or is this specific to Construct 2 ?
I mutch rather would prefer to have it more like in the official C2 Multiplayer plugin.
What i'm getting at is that with the focus on limiting the Msg/s i feel like i'm forced to send big clumps of data at once instead of trying to keep the bandwidth low and send small data more frequent and bigger data less frequent.
In my understanding the later method will result in more fluent gameplay and less stress on the server, no?
Or are the Msg/s more straining for a server then the bandwidth?
I made a messy test for an 8 direction movement that sends small data often and bigger data rarer.
I send the user input in an small interger every 0.1 second
and correct the deviation with the bigger data (x,y coordinate) only every second.