Let's keep this short. Please star this issue:
https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issu ... ?id=483946
Done starring? Then take that url and tweet it, share it, email it...Just get it out there. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_idea.gif" alt=":idea:" title="Idea">
Little background: All Google has to do is change a string var in chromium, and we will be able to publish Crosswalk V7 apps on google play without fear of removal. It really is that easy, and should have been done a month ago when this problem originally arose.
Newer versions of crosswalk are still dicey for weaker platforms, so even six versions later v7 is the best bet overall. Think of this as the equivilent of the post node-webkit 10.5 regressions, only for android.
Again: even if you don't give a flying pancake about android, please star this issue. Until someone at google is aware of this, it won't be addressed.
Thx for reading.