Crosswalk Intel XDK experiences

  • So my game runs pretty smooth on Android 4.2+ but on 5.0 it works slow. How is the experience of everyone with 5.0?

  • dcadjust

    it works OK with ads on 8-core MediaTek

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  • Good day everyone!

    Any news, ideas about what to do with crosswalk 10?

    If i set version to "beta" or "10", the build of my game runs slowly + some sounds play, when they're not supposed to ("footsteps" sound starts ok, but in some time just continues playing) Or even fails to run at all (some chinese tablet)

    Same build made with "stable" setting works just fine. But you all know the reason...

    Having kinda panic here

  • IntelRobert Any news? ppl are willing to commit suicide because of that. Can you offer some help? like... soon? I dont know how much time until google take my apps out.


  • Scofano - I wouldn't go that far... What is the issue? Are you talking about the SSL Warning? This has been resolved in the XDK Builds for crosswalk

  • imaffett I´ve got 2 games that ALREADY dont run very smooth.

    I´ve been reading reports (and I´ve tried myself) of EXTREME loss of performance using beta version. So, I still didnt update the apps, hoping a new version with the old (but acceptable) performance is back.

  • Good day everyone!

    Any news, ideas about what to do with crosswalk 10?

    If i set version to "beta" or "10", the build of my game runs slowly + some sounds play, when they're not supposed to ("footsteps" sound starts ok, but in some time just continues playing) Or even fails to run at all (some chinese tablet)

    Same build made with "stable" setting works just fine. But you all know the reason...

    Having kinda panic here

    imaffett I can confirm that Crosswalk 10 is running very sluggish, even in my Puzzle match-3 game.

    This is something related to the fact that Crosswalk 10 is based in Chromium 39, which had jank issues?

  • cesisco

    erhm, so even simple games are janking with Crosswalk? geezzz... I thought that I can make simple app and it will work well with native ads even on Crosswalk...

  • cesisco

    erhm, so even simple games are janking with Crosswalk? geezzz... I thought that I can make simple app and it will work well with native ads even on Crosswalk...

    My games were very smooth with Crosswalk 7, this is a issue related to Crosswalk 10.

  • My app and loss of performance has nothing to do with ads. My apps dont have ads. Version 10 slows them down a lot.

  • Scofano any chance you can get me the apps in an APK that are slow. I've confirmed too that there are performance issues and I'm trying to get various samples to give to the Crosswalk team.

    Just to note, I think the issue is actually in Chromeium core. I tried Google Chrome 40 on Android browser and regular CSS animations suffer. The stock browser of a Galaxy S3 works much better.

  • I've also encountered a lot of issues with the upgrade from Crosswalk 7 to 10.

    One of several problems we've had is the introduction of gpu-rasterization. Our app can't handle that and performs bad with random graphical glitches.

    Another is the fact that there is a bug in Chromium 38+ which makes the Web Audio API is unavailable on certain devices running Android 4.1.2.

    I contacted Google about the Developer warning regarding Crosswalk based applications, since I was a bit worried that they would start blocking apps without further notice, and this is the answer I got:

    "...Thanks for contacting Google Play Developer Support about the security alert you have received with regard to using a highly vulnerable version of OpenSSL.

    While it's unclear whether the issues affect every app that uses OpenSSL versions prior to 1.0.1h, 1.0.0m, or 0.9.8za, we're trying to help developers stay up to date on all security patches. Even if you think that specific issues may not be relevant, it's good practice to update any libraries in your app that have known issues. We want you to have time to update now, but eventually, to help protect users we may need to block apps that have out of date dependent libraries or other vulnerabilities.

    We will provide a clear deadline before any action is taken. We don't have one to share right now, but if you are planning to update soon, that should be fine.

    We recommend that you update OpenSSL as soon as possible to protect your users from the risk of compromise, and to make sure that your app is compliant with Google Play Policy on ‘dangerous products’.

    We hope this helps. Please let us know if we can help you with anything else..."

    It seems that the message in the Dev console is just a warning (at least for now), and that Google will provide a clear deadline for the upgrade before they start blocking apps using the vulnerable OpenSSL library.

  • Hi imaffett , I sent you a PM.


  • cesisco - Thanks. Any chance you can send me the CW7 build too? Sorry, I can't send PM's yet.

  • imaffett

    Chromium 38 may be a starting point. It seems to be a point of performance regression across multiple platforms from that version onwards.

    Do you list somewhere which versions of chromium the different versions of crosswalk are based on? I've heard that v10 is based on Chromium v39, but what about v7, 8, 9?


    imaffett is from Crosswalk team...can you tweak his account so he can PM?

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