course of optimization of games in construct 2

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  • I know Construct doesn't do 3d, so you're either using the worlds worst translator, of full of crap.

  • The construct makes 3d natively, as long as it knows what is 3d and how it works and know what is the construct and how it works. And as I know the answer to these questions I do 3d natively within the construct 2. But the post is for something else: it's about optimization and not talking about 3d..

  • So its not a bad translation.

  • So its not a bad translation.

    Actually 3d can be done without plugins. You would still need to add some custom js, but no plugins.

    Example made by R0j0, not me.

  • The course will be paid by Udemy.

    The content:

    How to Identify and Solve Project Optimization Problems

    How to make apps and games evenly used for old and new devices

    How to optimize plugins and objects despite using events

    How to optimize codes

    How to optimize sounds

    Working with advertisements more optimally

    Understand how to optimize with webviews and what they serve.

    Know and identify the 3 lines of devices, their hardware and their processing power.

    Understand how the processor and RAM works

    And a little more in a few hours of content ^^

    link of example of optimization construct 2

    That example is a scam, you're comparing accelerating physics calculations with collision detection to moving sprites in a linear Add 10 to Object.Y without any collision detection or acceleration, it'S smoke and mirrors and completely non functional.

  • > So its not a bad translation.


    Actually 3d can be done without plugins. You would still need to add some custom js, but no plugins.

    Example made by R0j0, not me.

    Sorry, I can't call dropping a shader wrapped texture into a 2d environment 3d.

    It barely even scratches the surface, and is just a buzzword like "natively" which the op is trying to use to sell his "optimizations" which I find highly suspect given his past posts.

  • That example is a scam, you're comparing accelerating physics calculations with collision detection to moving sprites in a linear Add 10 to Object.Y without any collision detection or acceleration, it'S smoke and mirrors and completely non functional.

    Maybe not a good example but i think the point he wants to get across is to identify when and when not to use certain features such as physics. If you can do pretty much the same thing without physics and save a lot of CPU calculations then I would call that an optimization. Many people just go the lazy route and slap on behaviours such as physics when you can do similar things way more lightweight with events (depending on what you're trying to do) but sometimes there's no way around it.

    I'm using a similar approach for the arrows in my game. Instead of checking collisions every tick for the arrows while in the air I'm just moving sprites.

    When an arrow is fired, I make a very lightweight raycaster with events to calculate a line between player and where the arrow should land or collide. This happens in one tick. No need to check collisions every tick after this point, since I already know where the arrow will end up. After that I just move a dummy sprite from point A to point B. The arrow sprite follows this dummy sprite, and is offset in Y axis based on the distance travelled to simulate and arc.

    So instead of checking collisions every tick, i just check it once in one tick, then just move objects accordingly.

    One huge part of optimization is to determine when to use what, and If you can get a similar effect but simplified. Collisions can be very useful, but can also use a lot of CPU if you're not careful.

  • Being a good developer is indeed the easiest way to avoid performance LOSS.

    But if you're talking performance GAIN, then I don't see any way to make JavaScript outperform even C#/.NET without directly editing the garbage collection of C2 to match your specific game and compiling the whole thing from C++ into WebASM/Emscripten.

    Now comparing C2 against itself we already know there's room to GAIN as well, because after years of being "fast as native" Construct 3's runtime is about to be even fast-as-native-er, which is actually awesome and I hope that goes well for Scirra and pays off with more subs for them, because it is sorely needed, especially in the areas where the improvement are occurring.

    But that also kinda disproves the whole "I can make your game 0% of the CPU!", because unless you're making a turn based game that does nothing until a mouse click is made it's simply a catchy phrase without fact.

  • Hi,Dears

    Any one of you can help me.

    I'm using Beat 'Em Up Game template for my game. So, the thing is this there is a script name (DamageObject).

    This script has a public bool type variable called (KnockDown). I am trying to find out where is the variable is (knockDown = true ).

    Can anyone tell me where this happen (knockDown) called true.

    I can not find anywhere

    Sorry for me poor English.

    Thank you so much.

  • Hi,Dears

    Any one of you can help me.

    I'm using Beat 'Em Up Game template for my game. So, the thing is this there is a script name (DamageObject).

    This script has a public bool type variable called (KnockDown). I am trying to find out where is the variable is (knockDown = true ).

    Can anyone tell me where this happen (knockDown) called true.

    I can not find anywhere

    Sorry for me poor English.

    Thank you so much.


    This is the wrong place to post your question.

    This is called thread hijacking and is extremely frowned upon.

    Please make a new post in the How Do I section.

    Thank you

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  • I was busy these months with work in the bank and studies, but it's not about turns to leave the cpu at 0 Jayjay. A processor has execution power of millions to billions per second. It is an incredible speed, if you create beginning and death and processes correctly, the processor will make the processor do the calculation so fast that it will not go up the use of cpu. This is the point. Lifetime of processes occurring in real time, is not turns.

  • tunepunk The optimization I want to bring is not only the question of real-time collision reduction, but how to optimize all kinds of objects and events, application structures and all the content below:

    The content:

    How to Identify and Solve Project Optimization Problems

    How to make apps and games evenly used for old and new devices

    How to optimize plugins and objects despite using events

    How to optimize codes

    How to optimize sounds

    Working with advertisements more optimally

    Understand how to optimize with webviews and what they serve.

    Know and identify the 3 lines of devices, their hardware and their processing power.

    Understand how the processor and RAM works

    And a little more in a few hours of content ^^

  • I would be interested in the course, but my English is very bad .... (I am Spanish)

  • Taximan First I have a english translation, Portuguese from Brazil, but I can see it in other languages, with a translation service

  • It is not a scam, this is applied mathematics. The platform plugin of scirra is not based on physics, but in mathematical calculation of Cartesian plane (X, Y) to generate movements and to compare the movements with solid behaviors Cartesian positioning comparison (X, Y) is only mathematical calculation. The example mentions that the calculation can be improved as long as you know how it works. What I did was to understand the plugin's operation and improve the Cartesian positioning calculation (X, Y). The course shows you how to understand objects and improve their execution time, and have life with process start and death. For in construct 2 you can control this runtime at the execution time of the objects with the correct events. Unlike other engines that does not allow you to kill the process at runtime of the object, making it run infinitively spending too much cpu and gpu, as it is one of the big problems like engines of unity and unreal. For having this control and kill processes of objects with q do what they need and are neutralized, so sometimes the use of cpu will be zeroed or next to this

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