gamearcad's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Hi,Dears

    Any one of you can help me.

    I'm using Beat 'Em Up Game template for my game. So, the thing is this there is a script name (DamageObject).

    This script has a public bool type variable called (KnockDown). I am trying to find out where is the variable is (knockDown = true ).

    Can anyone tell me where this happen (knockDown) called true.

    I can not find anywhere

    Sorry for me poor English.

    Thank you so much.

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  • Hi,Dears

    Any one of you can help me.

    I'm using Beat 'Em Up Game template for my game. So, the thing is this there is a script name (DamageObject).

    This script has a public bool type variable called (KnockDown). I am trying to find out where is the variable is (knockDown = true ).

    Can anyone tell me where this happen (knockDown) called true.

    I can not find anywhere

    My English is to bad sorry in advance.

    Thank you so much.

  • Any One of you can please tell me about the player rotation like enemy.

    Like enemy rotate automatically to the player. Same thing i want to the player any help ??

    Thanks too much.!

  • 3 posts