for my games, i use conversations with my friends as a muse. we'll talk about armies of penguins with sporks fighting off zombie hordes, and while i cant have that in real life, i can make it in a game, and , in a way, have it in real life. you can check my games in the arcade, upto this point everything was influenced by my friends and has a piece of their artwork inside (usually the title screen). the ideas inside are a collective from conversations etc, so as when i need more storyline or artwork etc, i have people who already have a base interest in the project, and understand the concept, instead of trying to explain how king zulu lost his throne and now theres a struggle over the crown, and hoping they're paying attention and give half a damn. where as, if at the heart of the storyline is a memory that they enjoy, they are more likely to willingfully contribute ideas or media to fit inside. two heads are always better than one. but general life plays a big part. was considering a game where you just open a door for a cat, and maybe it will go outside, but maybe, itll just meow and sit there, staring at you. but if you dont open the door you lose a point.... etc. a lot more has went into it, i just havent made it yet so i dont want to put the full idea out there. however, a game can be made for anything. another method, is to think of making simulators. think of things you can do that you enjoy or that you feel are important, make training videos, and then find ways to make them fun. it adds challenge and keeps you busy between ideas.