dop2000 This is just a silly example. I will teach you how to recognize where the problem is, the object or plugin to fix. In the case of the example, collision is the problem, so the scirra has created calculations of the whole stage (even outside the camera that is calculating) with the mathematics of to make two solutions, x and y comparison or to make an intelligent collision field that connects and turns off, thus dropping the cpu.
Now each type of object has its tricks to optimize.
Example: data, such as dictionary, array, local storage and others I teach how to create smart update with locks where it deletes loops. So the data is only triggered when needed (based on system start and process death), Ja sounds are based on loop-cuts to optimize them and compression formats, images and sprites with the size that can be cut and spliced not visible. Effects like particles, with cycles and overlapping of time cycles, publishing to see how and where you load and how and where you perform the visualization of it and how you manipulate the cycles of updating it. ajax type internet objects with requesitions.
I will teach you how to solve these problems in order to manipulate any object.
The content:
How to Identify and Solve Project Optimization Problems
How to make apps and games evenly used for old and new devices
How to optimize plugins and objects despite using events
How to optimize codes
How to optimize sounds
Working with advertisements more optimally
Understand how to optimize with webviews and what they serve.
Know and identify the 3 lines of devices, their hardware and their processing power.
Understand how the processor and RAM works
And a little more in a few hours of content ^^