My 3¢ about c2 and c3

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  • newt , I don't mind harsh, if it it's getting somewhere. I am afraid yours is just counter productive. Imagine someone posting in your clipping mask topic "duh, why don't you see how the alien shooter demo is made, also there are many other examples around that do masking...". This wouldn't have been a productive answer, right? A capx that demonstrates a solution would have been better.

    A better example would be this: I consider my self a musician, when someone asks me something I find trivial about music, I wont' answer them with the terminology, nor I will send them looking for the definition on a theory book, I don't expect them to have to learn music theory just to find the answer on their problem. I'll try my best to explain in simple words what is the essence in their inquiry, why is that and how they can recognize it by themselves in the future...

    I guess it's a thing of preference and approach, and that's that.

  • Actually... yes, even the belittling, which I do too much, not to incite, but to challenge. If it's too harsh, I apologise.

    Anyway, yes the formula could be used in many of those, like menus and paths especially.

    Take megatronx's issue with pathfinder, its node based, a bunch of lines pointing at each other, and the algo describes perfectly a line between two points.

    It could be used to move those tanks, and allow the control to keep them apart.

    I used ro0j's help for pushing out object, which I'm thenkful for, even thought they do get stuck in solids at times (which I will investigate further), and with pathfinding, units loose their formations, build with events I copied from rts demo. On the side note, the example from c2 demo however breaks easily when I'm clicking in faster manner, making those tanks end up on top of each other anyway ( but i don't know if it is using that math equation or not).

    And that's the point: instead of working on my game, I have to spend time on fixing plugin issues and hack trough limitations. In that instance building game with event's only would maybe let avoid those issues, but in a none-programming environment, that is self -contradictory from the get go. Events work best to in setting conditions for plugins, but when it comes to dynamics, they fail (collisions anyone? what about input repressions? ).

    I remember spending a lot of time trying to figure out how to do sequencing. Sequencing plugin would sort that all out. Ultimately i figured it out, with the help of fantastic MoveTo plugin ( which should be in vanilla ed) but then setting it all up requires a lot of fiddling around, constantly switching views, and even going as far as creating parser and own scripting language and then need to type it all in per object. Now that is far away from none-programming.

    I also made key rebinding that is also suitable for unlimited number of players, including ai, working from single set of events. But there should be plugin for that. Oh and I had to use Advanced Platforming plugin, because the vanilla one was causing lag when operating more then one character.

    I've build full rpg system. And a level editor. Dynamic music system. Perfectly lopping levels. And many more advance systems and gameplay parts, and all made in such way that at any time, anything can use any part of those systems. Those are possible but resource wasting. When it comes to actual gameplay which brings excitements and action, then extensive hacking starts, and more often then not it all becomes looking and feeling rather clunky, unless it stays close to limited functionality of current plugins. And what I did was universal and evented as optimal as possible, and in way that anything can be used at anytime in any context and in any type of game. And I realized I've build an engine on top of other engine, trying to compensate lack of functionality. And then I thought what's the point? I already bought engine with editor. All of that could have been done in plugins. Plugin for stats, level editor, even dynamic music plugin. Because looking for most optimal ways, we all program exactly the same things in c2 to compensate it lacking in many areas! But all we do is reinventing the wheel.

    And I agree, and been vocal about the need for curves system as maths overlay, path's editor, and all stuff we were saying for years now.

    It all needs to be added, streamlined and glitches fixed ( platform plugin will stop movement if there is a spike of one pixel in the ground or by holding jump, you can get glued to object representing ceilings ).

    The point is obvious: that math should be optional, replaced with visual approach and with completed and new plugins, and also actions and conditions that take more variety of scenarios under consideration, that bring groups of several events in to one.

    eli0s We musicians see world in a different way then scientists. We do have understanding of logic, actions and consequences, but simultaneously we understand the human element, simplicity and intuitionism

  • megatronx I also believe in having some more plugins integrated for some functionality will help a lot of users. But there's an other important aspect: keeping the event system as general as possible to make users able to design any logic with it if they choose not to use plugins (and I have to say that imo Scirra is already doing good on the latter).

    Personally, I'd love to see 3 plugins/functionality built into C3 (or even C2): MoveTo, Canvas and the ability to use normal maps for every sprite (maybe it would be best to include a new button into the animation editor just like the collision polygon and origin point buttons for normal maps).

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  • X + cos(angle) * dist, Y + sin(angle) * dist

    I dare say the most inspiring formula there is, and we don't even have an expression for it.

    I would also say that if it doesn't inspire, you need to find out why it should.


    I was thinking about conversation in this topic. Friend encouraged me to continue a certain project I was affraid of finishing (quite personal and you want to have those working perfectly ). Thanks to your posts and Ro0j's help i got from him throughout the years, I decided to limit using plugins and do as much possible with events. So far it seams to work better then with plugins. But I'd like to ask you if you could explain this math formula to me, what exactly does it do?


    glerikud I think move too should also be an action. Overall there should be more target action, as well as option to pin to image points. More actions is something I'm thinking often about too.

    Btw, does every tick: set position to img point is as efficient as PinTo?

  • Hey,

    I was thinking about conversation in this topic. Friend encouraged me to continue a certain project I was affraid of finishing (quite personal and you want to have those working perfectly ). Thanks to your posts and Ro0j's help i got from him throughout the years, I decided to limit using plugins and do as much possible with events. So far it seams to work better then with plugins. But I'd like to ask you if you could explain this math formula to me, what exactly does it do?


    glerikud I think move too should also be an action. Overall there should be more target action, as well as option to pin to image points. More actions is something I'm thinking often about too.

    Btw, does every tick: set position to img point is as efficient as PinTo?

    The formula is to calculate the position of an object(position) based on an angle and distance and the starting point (X,Y) of another object(position)

    Position written next to the objects are from the editor, just so you can see there placement there.

    Regarding the every tick and pin to. Im pretty sure its the same. There might be a different to when the position change takes place. As the pin to might happen during the first period of a tick, where as a every tick might happen depending on where you put it in the code. But resource wise I don't think there is any different, not 100% sure but close enough that I wouldn't bother about it

  • >

    > Hey,


    > I was thinking about conversation in this topic. Friend encouraged me to continue a certain project I was affraid of finishing (quite personal and you want to have those working perfectly ). Thanks to your posts and Ro0j's help i got from him throughout the years, I decided to limit using plugins and do as much possible with events. So far it seams to work better then with plugins. But I'd like to ask you if you could explain this math formula to me, what exactly does it do?


    > Thx!


    > glerikud I think move too should also be an action. Overall there should be more target action, as well as option to pin to image points. More actions is something I'm thinking often about too.


    > Btw, does every tick: set position to img point is as efficient as PinTo?


    The formula is to calculate the position of an object(position) based on an angle and distance and the starting point (X,Y) of another object(position)

    Position written next to the objects are from the editor, just so you can see there placement there.

    Regarding the every tick and pin to. Im pretty sure its the same. There might be a different to when the position change takes place. As the pin to might happen during the first period of a tick, where as a every tick might happen depending on where you put it in the code. But resource wise I don't think there is any different, not 100% sure but close enough that I wouldn't bother about it

    Thx! Interesting! Thought have no clue how I could use this yet!

    Also Ashley Could you please add keyboard, joypad and mouse action : Cancel Input, so all keys that are currently pressed would stop working and require player to press them again? This is crucial. Imagine a scenario where a power is activated, and that power stops all movement. When the power events end I want the player to press keys again in order to move. Currently if you hold movement buttons, when power ends, the character continues to move, and because I'm doing an isometric game, if direction is being switched mid trough, the player moves backwards. This also would work for other action games, where for example a hit from enemy interrupts player attack.


  • It's about where you want to go.

    With the formula you can find any other position if you have some other information provided, such as the angle pointing at the other node angle(), and the distance().

    Think of it as arrows pointing where to go.

    With the behavior you get the positions already, but using the dist, or distance part of the formula you can say what distance you want to be at from that point with distance(node0.x,node0.y,node1.x,node1.y) being the max dist.

    Using the indexing system of course.

  • Also Ashley Could you please add keyboard, joypad and mouse action : Cancel Input, so all keys that are currently pressed would stop working and require player to press them again?

    Again, this seems easily doable with events. I don't want to get in to the habit of adding built-in features that just replicate what a few simple events could do.

  • > Also Ashley Could you please add keyboard, joypad and mouse action : Cancel Input, so all keys that are currently pressed would stop working and require player to press them again?


    Again, this seems easily doable with events. I don't want to get in to the habit of adding built-in features that just replicate what a few simple events could do.

    Ok, no problem, but could you instruct me how I could achieve that with events, please?

    EDIT@ On key pressed: toggle boo ON, Is Boo: move, On event: Toggle Boo OFF . I think this will work. And I'm going to leave this here if someone will need it.

  • megatronx, the easiest way to achieve what you need depends somewhat on how you already register key and controller inputs and then use that info to control the player. I set booleans on a player control object according to key or button positions. If you need to force the player to have to let go and then press a button again, you could add an "disable" boolean, and check that is false before the player move events. Then you should only reset the boolean to true when the buttons are released. Depending on what it is you need exactly you could use one disable boolean for each control input. You might get away with only one boolean for all of them, but I suspect that such a method could prove to be problematic.

  • I don't think that ashley should pre-code every single thing for us just to make it easier for everyone.

    If it's possible per events (not hardcore workarounds), it should be fine.

    Of course, some basics should be available, i'm not trying to get rid of everything, nor would i hate to have such features.

    My personal and most important things i'm still wishing for are:

    Basic support for isometric games (At the current stage it's simply a huge experiment everyone has to go through and there's no good nor real solution in any part of an isometric environment. Unless for professional coders maybe)

    True and dedicated multiplayer support.

    Looking forward to more great and actually released PC Games using Construct.

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