I would like to suggest this feature:
Expected Result:
How it work now:
Things to avoid:
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Yup, this is already on the todo list...
Indeed that would be really helpful with all those animations
It can be extended to layer names, layout names, etc =]
One of the best features of C2 is integrate the names, and now, as it is, is awesome, but with these adds, would be outstand!
It would honestly be a helpful option for all items that may already have a defined list. A combo box with fill-in and dropdown select would be useful in many places in Construct 2.
This is a good one. Glad it's on the list. ^_^
Thank you, ASHLEY.
oh yeah...pretty please Ashley....you is the all star!:D
Yeah, dropdowns for everything are already all on the todo list.
Awesome! I'm looking forward to that, especially for image points etc.