Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Template for a basketball game with a 3D aspect (illusion of 3D)
  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Thanks, that really did the trick. For now this is better than nothing. (Btw it's actually line 1161. Just a typo.)

  • oops! sorry

  • Hello,

    i have posted a long time ago this nice plugin but at the moment on an very old version. I can't send you an Private message(This is an information post.

    Spammers are known to use private messages to send users spam. In an effort to reduce this spam, we've disabled the sending of Private Messages until you have earnt 500 rep.

    Apologies for the inconvenience. If you really need to reply to a message but cannot, please check the senders profile to see if they have alternative contact methods listed. )

    So here are my information: Paypal was: kleinandreas w e b .de (without spaces)

    and can you send the information to my current email: kleinandreas84 g m a i l .com (without spaces)

    Can you please send me the login information to my gmail adress?

    Thank you in Advanced.

  • Sure ill ask my partner to take a look tonight

  • Wow thank you very much

  • Then i will wait of your feedback. Thank you again for your help.

  • Im in the end stages of the finishing the HUGE 2.4 patch which adds support for 3D physics and skeletal animation. I'll have to warn people that this version is substantial and I've forgotten most of the changes i made (there were plenty) while also updating to the latest three.js version. Because of the large degree of changes this MAY break some projects, however all of the changes were quite necessary in order to keep things up to date so i apologize if this is the case and of course will offer advice as always to anyone who needs it. I didn't keep a detailed changelog because work spanned over a long period and i'd simply forgotten, so i apologize for that aswell. In any case the update should be out very soon (and i mean it this time, perhaps in the next 2 days)

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  • Im in the end stages of the finishing the HUGE 2.4 patch which adds support for 3D physics and skeletal animation. I'll have to warn people that this version is substantial and I've forgotten most of the changes i made (there were plenty) while also updating to the latest three.js version. Because of the large degree of changes this MAY break some projects, however all of the changes were quite necessary in order to keep things up to date so i apologize if this is the case and of course will offer advice as always to anyone who needs it. I didn't keep a detailed changelog because work spanned over a long period and i'd simply forgotten, so i apologize for that aswell. In any case the update should be out very soon (and i mean it this time, perhaps in the next 2 days)

    your playng with me , tell me your playng.... i wait for this update for so long now

  • I'm serious

    I have a little break between exams and I decided I'd try and finish up what I had since I was so close to release already. I'm sorry for making everyone wait so long but things take a lot of time .

    After this release I'm going to make a lot of examples and some documentation for users. The plugin architecture is largely static now and I don't see myself making any new huge changes that could make any future documentation super outdated. Future updates (likely 2.5-2.6) might include particle effects and custom shaders, as well as eventually proper support of saving and the debugger, and after that this plugin is going to pretty much be feature complete. I could go on forever updating however Q3D is (and almost always has been) largely at a point already where it's pushing the limits of what can be done with Construct 2. As I go along there also always additional optimizations I make to try and improve performance and usability, and as always feature/example requests are welcome.

    What I ask of you all now are for the most wanted Q3D tutorials and examples. These will guide me in the process of making useful documentation.

  • QuaziGNRLnose for sure there are plenty of tutorials needed (even though someday you'l be if you want that ) .

    is this update gonna have a upgrade purchase option? or going to be free?:)

    btw a hint for future : you could offer live training on twitch for those interested (its like a live stream that allows users to subscribe montly to you for what ever tutorial, talking you want to do)

    offtopic " QuaziGNRLnose said :"I'm serious " "

    and i froze for 2 seconds....then i just.... i just........ *brainfarted* ...and lost my mind

  • Hey all,

    I do hope anyone of you can nudge me into the right direction.

    I seem to have some problems in understanding of vectors.

    What I have at the moment is: 1 Spaceship, 1 Crosshair and Bullets that get spawned as soonI press "Space".


    The spawned bullets should fly in direction of the crosshair (setting the x,y and z coordinated in an instance variable for each bullet, that they keep their flying direction).

    Unfortunately, no matter what I try, the bullets fly everywhere, but not into the direction of the crosshair.


    Any idea? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

  • https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Rseo ... sp=sharing

    Try as I have I hope will help.

  • drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Rseo5BvYB1cWFremR0YldpYlk/view

    Try as I have I hope will help.

    Thank you very much. Unfortunately, your solution does not seem to fit my problem

    At least, I am unable to translate it to my set up.

    My Problem:

    • Bullet to be created on the Spaceship
    • Bullet to shoot through the Crosshair in a straight line

    Best result I had so far was by moving the bullet object manually every tick. Only problem I have to long is, that it does not shoot into the correct direction.

  • i ve just bought your plugin,, very nice idea,,,, but i think 3d physics is very needed here

    can i have a question about date of next release & how can i export 3d model with animations from external program ?


  • Ubivis

    your issue is that you are using "local space position"

    local space position moves the object relative to its own coordinate system, which is moving. It seems you want the object to move towards "destX/Y/Z", so what you should do is "point" the bullet at that location using "look at (parent/world)" and move by local space vector (0,0,speed) per tick

    Another option if you don't wish to affect the rotation is to set the objects position per tick in a "parent/world" type set position action. You'll have to subtract the current bullet location in xyz from the current destination in xyz, then normalize those values by distance (divide them by the 3D distance) then multiply them by speed.


    // get the difference vector

    delX = bullet.destX-bullet.initialX

    delY = bullet.destY-bullet.initialY

    delZ = bullet.destZ-bullet.initialZ

    // get the distance and normalization factor

    dist = sqrt(delX^2+delY^2+delZ^2)

    // normalization factor is multiplied by the speed,

    // so basically the del vector becomes a (unit vector)*(speed) when multiplied by normalization

    normalize = speed/dist

    // move the object

    set parent/world space position:

    X: bullet.x+delX*normalize

    Y: bullet.y+delY*normalize

    Z: bullet.z+delZ*normalize


    you can export animations with the blender exporter:

    https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/tree ... rs/blender

    for now only morph animations are supported but as i've stated skeletal is very close.

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