EvilObjective's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hey did you find a solution? I saw your video and I am also trying to get a C3 game working on a Jio/KaiOS phone. Not sure if it is possible...

  • My build succeeded a day or two after I posted. I assumed there was a temporary issue with the build server. Might be the same thing for you now?

  • Are there build outages again today? I am also tying to rerun a previously successful Android App Bundle but all of a sudden it is failing with just the error log 'Error'.

  • Update fixed it, thanks.

  • Hello,

    I'm getting an export error using advanced minification on a project. I am not using any 3rd party plugins and I've gone line-by-line through my events ensuring that I didn't somehow accidentally add a script. I created a new project blank project and exported it with advance minification, so I know it is something specific to my project file. How do I go about finding out what is causing the error?

    This is the error I'm getting:

    /str/c3runtime.js:3468:98: ERROR - [JSC_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE] variable value is undeclared 3468| map.set(this,self.IInstance._GetInitInst().GetSdkInstance())}set value(v){C3X.RequireFiniteNumber(value);map.get(this)._SetValue(v)}get value(){return map.get(this)._GetValue()}set maximum(v){C3X.RequireFiniteNumber(v);map.get(this)._SetMaximum(v)}get maximum(){return map.get(this)._GetMaximum()}set minimum(v){C3X.RequireFiniteNumber(v);map.get(this)._SetMinimum(v)}get minimum(){return map.get(this)._GetMinimum()}set step(v){C3X.RequireFiniteNumber(v);map.get(this)._SetStep(v)}get step(){return map.get(this)._GetStep()}set tooltip(str){C3X.RequireString(str); ^^^^^ 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

    If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Hey has anyone successfully put their app on the Microsoft Store using the new Webview2 windows wrapper export? Or does anyone know of any good guides to do so? I've been trying to package the exported files into an acceptable format via visual studio 2019 but have had no luck.

  • Hey thanks for the response. No third-party plugins, but I figured it out in the end.

    I am using the particles plugin to spray a water droplet object out of a pipe. The particles plugin was set to spawn a separate water droplet object as each of the particles. I had the plugin set to destroy the particles once stopped (instead of a timeout), but was also destroying the object/particle once it hit a certain surface. However, even though the object was being destroyed on collision, the particles plugin kept counting it as existing. So my object count in the profiler was always ~ 200 but according to the particle plugin there were 2600+ (and growing) particles after a couple minutes. Once I set the particles plugin to timeout after 5 seconds (even though the object would be destroyed on collision before the 5 seconds is up) 'Plugins Processing' was drastically reduced and the particle plugin was never counting more than 100 particles at a time. After running it for 30min plugins processing never exceeded 4% of CPU usage and my frame rate never dropped.

    All good that it is was solved in the end. Still would be nice to have a better breakdown for plugin processing since having known it was the particles plugin from the start would have saved a bunch of time. I'll throw it on the suggestion board.

  • Is it possible to get a better breakdown for which plugins are contributing to 'Plugin Processing' under the 'CPU Profiler' tab? The manual entry mentions 'Plugin Processing' can get significant if there are a lot of instances however my project uses less than ~200 and PP grows from less than 1% to 20% in about half an hour of playing, which is when the FPS starts to drop. When I was doing a public playtest at a meetup the FPS would drop enough to make the game unplayable after about an hour.

    I've gone through and disabled various behaviours to try and isolate the problem however I can't find the plugin causing the issue. It would be extremely helpful if there was some sort of breakdown within the profiler. Or if anyone has any suggestions on how else I can debug it that would be great!

  • Thanks for playing! The ending concept was originally supposed to be more comical, but once it was actually implemented it comes across pretty dark. Might have to lighten it up for the post-jam version.

  • I was surprised to see no one had posted a LD45 thread yet, especially considering C3 was free during the jam. I'd be happy to check out anyone's C3 (or C2) LD game if you post a link.

    Me and a friend made 'Press Start For Nothing' - This is a game about nothing. It isn’t even really a game. You should quit before you even begin…



  • While I was at it I also added in a new condition for checking if the device is in the EEA.

    Thank you!

  • Having access to isRequestLocationInEeaOrUnknown would be ideal, so we could either hide our GDPR consent button or at least create our own popup to explain how it doesn't affect non-EU users. Otherwise non-EU users are seeing (or clicking) our GDPR consent button that doesn't do anything and has little to no context for them.

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Member since 8 Jul, 2014

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