I'm getting an export error using advanced minification on a project. I am not using any 3rd party plugins and I've gone line-by-line through my events ensuring that I didn't somehow accidentally add a script. I created a new project blank project and exported it with advance minification, so I know it is something specific to my project file. How do I go about finding out what is causing the error?
This is the error I'm getting:
/str/c3runtime.js:3468:98: ERROR - [JSC_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE] variable value is undeclared
3468| map.set(this,self.IInstance._GetInitInst().GetSdkInstance())}set value(v){C3X.RequireFiniteNumber(value);map.get(this)._SetValue(v)}get value(){return map.get(this)._GetValue()}set maximum(v){C3X.RequireFiniteNumber(v);map.get(this)._SetMaximum(v)}get maximum(){return map.get(this)._GetMaximum()}set minimum(v){C3X.RequireFiniteNumber(v);map.get(this)._SetMinimum(v)}get minimum(){return map.get(this)._GetMinimum()}set step(v){C3X.RequireFiniteNumber(v);map.get(this)._SetStep(v)}get step(){return map.get(this)._GetStep()}set tooltip(str){C3X.RequireString(str);
1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be greatly appreciated.