EvilObjective's Recent Forum Activity

  • I added the button like suggested, that runs fine when I spoof my location to be in EU and all that. However, outside of the EU, that button does nothing.

    I thought I was the only one having this problem and had messed something up with my events or admob settings.

  • Just as a follow up, it looks like it the missing images issue is solved when building for iOS 12+ (I was building 9+ before).

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  • Thanks for the response Ashley. I've ran builds with the latest stable and the previous stable release and had the same issue both times (however different images were missing between builds).

    Last night I ran an Android build and the images showed properly.

    Should I submit a bug report?

  • Anyone else run into an issue where some of the images in your game are missing once you've exported to iOS? When I test my game through Testflight I am missing various images. The object is still there (ie: collisions with the invisible object work) but is invisible. Oddly enough I've done two builds and each were missing different images. It happens with various objects (sprite, tiled background, and tile map).

    Could this be a Cordova issue?


  • I'll add that I'm also having this issue. Happens on iPhone 7+ for me (tried both Safari and Chrome) on the latest C3 stable release. Remote preview to my PC works fine (Chrome). I've used remote preview on a regular basis for the past couple months and haven't had an issue until now. Only recent change I can think of is updating to iOS 12.1.4 in the last few days.

    I don't see the issue posted on git so I'll throw it up there.

  • The title says it all. I'm not very active on the forums but have been using Construct 2 for years and only ever met a couple of other users in person. With GDC around the corner it'd be great to meet some other Construct users IRL. Post below or PM me and let's grab a coffee or beer!

  • I'm currently testing how well a mobile port of my PC game would work. I hacked together a mobile layout in the game and set up preview to work on LAN, and the results are... impressive! Not noticing any performance issues through my iPhone via Safari so far. I've seen a lot of complaints about C2 games mobile performance over the years so I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

    Before I go full steam ahead with a mobile port - is the performance I'm getting on preview comparable to a wrapped version in cocoon/cordova/etc.?

    Any info/experience is appreciated. Thanks!

  • Thanks for the feedback (and the positive review)! Yes going forward on future games I think I will put more effort into the 'quality of life' type improvements - I made the sound controls super simple because I hated dealing with the UI and was getting frustrated. I actually had the spinning saw blades just how you described them in the web version of the game, but I got a lot of complaints about them being unfair because the players couldn't see them all that well. I like the idea of punishing the player for being sliding down a wall too long or being too indecisive about their jump.

  • Would it help to have the IDbob@Xbox-ers contact MS about getting you access sooner?

  • It would be nice to have an ETA. According to the Scirra AMA on Reddit last week they are waiting on MS to give them API access. Seems like it could be a while.

    [quote:2faouku8]We're currently waiting on Microsoft to give us access to the additional APIs like Achievements, since these are only available on IDsww@Xbox. As soon as they let us in, we'll finish off those last features! It already has enough features to cover the Xbox Live Creators Program publishing requirements though, so at least there's that.

  • Hey thanks Dude!

    I haven't done mac/linux yet because I haven't had enough time to adequately test them. Once I'm sure the PC version is all ironed out then I'll do those ones next!

    The map is loaded off the start and most of the objects were placed using a tilemap system then replacing the tiles with the proper object (eg: the saws). Then the behaviors for any objects are turned on/off depending on whether they can be seen or not. Took a while to optimize!

  • Thanks! Yes it is a bit Meat Boy-esque. Tiny tiny meatboy.

    There are a ton of checkpoints. My design philosophy was to break down each single-screen sections into a series of challenges each with there own checkpoints - like mini levels within each level of the tower. Doing the whole tower in one life would be quite the accomplishment...

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Member since 8 Jul, 2014

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