When I Join A Remote Session All It Says Is 'Joined session.'

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  • I was joining a remote session on my iPhone 6s and all it said was Joined Session and the disconnected after about a minute. I've tried safari and chrome both do the same thing. Please Help

  • I'd suggest you create a super simple project with 1 sprite and see if that works.

    If it does, do you have large files? Are you on your home/office network? (I don't have a lot of luck remote testing on networks in places like coffee shops)

    Then I remove plugins one by one until it works.

  • I'd suggest you create a super simple project with 1 sprite and see if that works.

    If it does, do you have large files? Are you on your home/office network? (I don't have a lot of luck remote testing on networks in places like coffee shops)

    Then I remove plugins one by one until it works.

    Can you share which plugins eventually was the culprit for you?

    I'm having the same issue for awhile now. I remembered being able to remote preview 1-2 months back but out of nowhere the feature suddenly stopped working for me.

    I also tried opening the older script from before when I was still able to remote preview but still not working. Tried using the latest Beta version or different browsers doesn't seem to do the trick as well.


  • I'd suggest you create a super simple project with 1 sprite and see if that works.

    If it does, do you have large files? Are you on your home/office network? (I don't have a lot of luck remote testing on networks in places like coffee shops)

    Then I remove plugins one by one until it works.


    Unfortunately it still doesn’t work

  • Gellowg

    It seems like there are some problems Remote Previewing to ios many people reported including myself this is the last thread


    Also, there is a Request to include the "C2 Preview" on C3 if you interested to Vote is here


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  • I'll add that I'm also having this issue. Happens on iPhone 7+ for me (tried both Safari and Chrome) on the latest C3 stable release. Remote preview to my PC works fine (Chrome). I've used remote preview on a regular basis for the past couple months and haven't had an issue until now. Only recent change I can think of is updating to iOS 12.1.4 in the last few days.

    I don't see the issue posted on git so I'll throw it up there.

  • There was an issue with the TURN server that iOS devices have to use. It should now be fixed and working again. Apologies for the inconvenience.

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