mutajon's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi,

    As title suggests, current support is problematic with punctuation signs (,.!?) shown at the beginning of sentences instead of at the end.

    Any ideas or suggestions on how this might be remedied?



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  • Thank you both for the detailed explanation.

  • Hi!

    When testing local storage during development I see it works well. How do I avoid any saved parameters to be carried over to the exported version (exporting for the web)?

    Or does these saved parameters automatically not being copied when exporting?



  • Great - thank you.

  • Hi!

    Is there a way to pick the nearest object in a certain direction?

    For example, pick the nearest card object whose X is smaller than self.x (assuming there are several card objects whose X is smaller than self, I want to pick the nearest of them)

    Thanks :-)

  • Thanks for trying to help - turns out I forgot about some old code (from when I was using containers instead of hierarchy) that pinned the children to the parent on creation, which caused the unintended behavior...

    Thanks again and sorry for not noticing

  • So I have a parent object with several children objects (the parent object is not part of a family).

    When I create the first parent object, I tick the hierarchy checkbox and it is correctly created with all children objects.

    In the game I need to create this parent object over and over again. The behavior I want is that each time I create a parent, it will be created with its own set of children, independently of any other instances of the same parent object and their children.

    However, when I call the create object action at runtime and create another instance of the parent object, it is created with its children (as intended) AND children from all previously created instances of the same parent object are transferred to the new parent object that was just created... (not intended).

    Any idea why this happens or how to solve this?



  • Thank you both very much!

    Then I guess I'll move forward with the project.

  • Hi :-)

    Say I have 500 low res (50x50 pixels) images. Each image depicts a different animal.

    Desired outcome:

    1. I want to be able to choose one of these images and display it on screen

    2. Then repeat step 1 up to 75 times (so at max, have 75 50x50 picture on screen at the same time)


    a) Is this realistic, memory-wise, for a web-based game? or is this too many images at once?

    b) How do I achieve this?

    with my limited knowledge of construct, the only way I can think of is having a single sprite, with the 500 pictures as individual frames of said sprite. Then I can create this sprite and choose the desired frame. However I'm afraid this is terribly memory inefficient and would quickly cause the game to crash - am I right? or is it indeed possible to have tens of instances of a sprite with hundreds of frames?


  • Thank you both!

  • So, I need to add 'trigger once' condition to an OR block but this doesn't seem to be possible...? The trigger once is created as an OR condition (see pic) which immediatly triggers regardless of the other conditions in the block.

    Is there a way around this?



  • Thanks!

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