You should add objects to a container when they should be logically linked together (when they all combined make one big complex object). PlayerBox+PlayerSkin+PlayerAttackAnimation+PlayerWearable+PlayerHealthBar=make one Player <
To be honest I'm still confused, probably because of my specific game mechanics "engine".
It will not work for me to put all these you've mentioned as one container because each one of these items affect something else, and must be independent because of that.
For example if I will destroy the wearable, the Player and other stuff will get destroyed as well (that's from what I've tested for container instead of families).
Or when my Player's Sprite is flashing for few seconds, all the other sprites will be invincible for few seconds but that's not what I may want for some of the items.
What I'm saying is, it is much more complicated for me because I probably built everything wrong but it is working now and I just need to find a good way to build over it, that's probably a stupid way but I can't just duplicate my players with Families and of course not with Containers.
The only solution I can think of is maybe to make Families inside Families to control general groups that needs the exact same control or share the same properties / variables. but it's getting too complex so I'm still testing options.
It's like when I tried to use the Arrays, I found out that it is sooo hard to manage even with the Array Editor the code with the Ajax, Json, etc... is sooo confusing to me, so I decided to go for the most simple way: Groups and variables.
I bet you read this and you're thinking: "How stupid is he, why he's doing this in the wrong way?"
The thing is that, I'm still learning and while I look at the event sheet, I guess the old fashion way make sense to me visually, my "brain" can understand things better.
Like you've said before, there are many ways to do the same thing but I really feel bad knowing that I'm already doing these stuff in the wrong way and I may regret it as the game gets even more complex with more events and rules to the game.
I'm just sharing my mind here, I can only blame myself but I will read your advice on this thread (and the others) as they may make more sense to me compare to this specific game I'm working on of course, because in general it is 100% making sense to me.
Thanks again and sorry about my bad English.