lamar's Recent Forum Activity

  • UPDATE: New sound affects. 3 Ball Limit and Bump and Tilt Feature. Score board for two players but no leader board until the game is finished.

    All great Pinball players use Bump and a hard bump on the front or sides of the machine will dislodge a stuck ball or kick a ball out from a dangerous spot. Use it sparingly!

    Demo here: ... demo-13984

  • Neat idea for a pinball table.

    Thanks! This was a first attempt at a Pinball game using the Bullet behavior and that is not true physics so it feels wrong to any one that plays real pinball. I will use it for other games.

    C2 doesn't recognize left and right shift keys as different keys but I have included the Z and / keys for people that like to use two hands in my new Pinball Demo below.

    Here is a Demo of a realistic Pinball game I am working on with physics: ... demo-13984

  • i cannot get the newest build 13990 to come up on the arcade. only the older build 13984 works.

    You probably have to clear your cache if you played the old demo. I had to do that.

  • wow,

    i commented before i actually played the demo.

    it is great..

    Thanks Harrio!

    The perspective is just a visual thing. All objects are actually flat so it will work for any table angle or perspective,

    This is still a work in progress and now that I have the flipper and ball physics working correctly I will work on the play field design and add in lots of bells and whistles and lights.

    Bookmark the Demo and you can follow along with the updates and I have lots of tricks I will be using in this one.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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  • I found a couple bugs while playing. First, the flipper bug. You already know about that one. Second, one of the times I played the ball got stuck in the launch ramp. The ball got to the top and the blocker thing knocked it back down and trapped it in there. I had to restart. Third, and this may or may not be a bug, when you have multiple balls in play, the balls don't bounce off each other. Instead they just go through each other. I tried posting this in the actual game comments but I had already posted a comment there and apparently you aren't allowed to post more then one.

    Thanks Burvey!

    This was a first attempt at a pinball game using the Bullet Behavior instead of physics and it does work but does not have the feel of real pinball physics.

    I am now using physics and the behavior is much more realistic. I have played tons of real pinball and this Demo is as close to realistic action as I have ever seen including many pro versions like Visual Pinball creator. ... demo-13984

    I learned alot doing the Bullet example that I will use in other games but for realistic pinball it just doesn't have the right feel.

  • good template, really works good.


    I had that same issue and it drove me crazy.

    That was when I figured out the flipper was traveling too fast for collisions to be recognized. To fast for the human eye to see.

    I added in the Angular Velocity to the events to slow the flippers down and that eliminated the ball seeming to go through the flipper and the ball jumping off the point of the flipper.

    I also set all objects that create an angle that interferes with flipper collisions to have a small amount of Elasticity so ball is not coming in a straight line and that helps with collisions.

    Physics is a very strange world on a computer because of frame rates and how objects interact if they are close to each other even when not touching.

    Glad you liked the Demo and if you bookmark it I will be updating with more tricks as I go along.

    Oh and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  • Sounds great. I'll be keeping my eye on the progress. Well done.

    I did put up a tutorial with the same info

    I will get the CAPX and plunger done tomorrow.

  • Nice. You should add this in the tutorial section if you haven't already.

    Thanks Burvey!

    I plan on doing that when I have my game finished and so I can explain other physics used like the variable speed plunger and tricks and special affects. Lots of goodies going in to this game/sandbox creation.

    I will include a simple CAPX with it when I get the time.

  • Ok so I have been pulling my hair out for a month working on a realistic pinball sandbox game that will allow users to design their own pinball games and share them with their friends.

    The problems have been many and examples in tutorials suck because there are many factors such as size of collision box and objects in vicinity of a ball that affects physics.

    I finally got the settings right for my game and the paddles have a very realistic feel and you can stall the ball, dribble the ball, pass the ball from one flipper to the other just like in a real pinball game.

    Here is the Demo: ... demo-13984

    Here are the settings I use however like I said there are many factors that will affect physics so you may need to adjust settings and change the collision box and impulse points for your specific game but this is the way it works.

    First create a ball sprite and set the collision box to object:

    Then set the ball physics:

    Then create a paddle with a collision box set to the paddle object and two points for joints and impulse.

    Paddle origin point:

    Paddle Hinge point:

    Paddle impulse point:

    Set the paddle physics.

    Create a sprite box to anchor the flippers to and keep it small and center the origin point.

    Physics setting for joint box:

    Now place your joint box and flippers on your layout where you want them to appear. The flippers will automatically attach to the joint box origin point after we set the events and run the game.

    create some outside boundaries so the ball bounces off the walls:

    Just use a filled box for a sprite and and set the physics.

    Create a bumper bell object. A filled circle with centered origin point and set the physics.

    NOTICE: the Elasticity is set to 1 or higher for objects you want the ball to bounce off of at a faster speed.

    REMEMBER- everything in a game using physics must have a physics behavior to interact or strange and terrible things will happen.

    Your objects should look something like this now.

    Now here are the events:

    Run the layout and if you did everything correctly you should be able to control the flippers very accurately with the arrow keys. If objects are falling down it is because you didn't set them to immovable. Only the paddle and ball is moveable and allowed to rotate.

    That is the exact events and settings used in my game design below and I am just using fancy graphics and some whiz bangs and special affects but the physics are pretty simple once you understand how objects in the real world react with other objects. ... demo-13984

    Bookmark my Demo and you can watch as I progress on the game and I will update with how to make a variable speed ball plunger later.

    Enjoy and leave any questions and feedback in the comments!

  • Just thinking out loud here.

    I would make a sprite for the size dash line you want.

    Then use set animation and create that sprite on a path using an event.

    Set position "Dash" on angle or to object.

    You will need to find each position for the dash to appear next and set the timing with a wait command probably.

    It works in my head lol!

  • Put your graphics all in one sprite with each graphic having a different frame and named animation.

    Then you can use set animation in the events.

  • UPDATE: Physics for flippers now fixed. Added a variable speed ball plunger so you can lay that ball in slow and gentle or hard and fast. Use the red dot as a guide. Also fixed targets so they return and added a kicker hole that grabs your ball and gives you a second ball.

    Demo here: ... demo-13984

    Bookmark the game and you can watch the progress as I work to complete it. More obstacles like caves, tracks, and lights, buzzers, whistles and bells all in the works now that I have the physics working.