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  • Thanks,

    What about triggers, such as on start layout triggers are they processed in sequence too.

    In one implementation I had included a second condition to each on start layout, such as layoutState=1, layoutState=2

    like this i tried to ensure that on start layout in a base sheet is only triggered after an on start layout in an include sheet, but this requires a kind of "stickiness" of triggers: the trigger later needs to "wait" until the second condition is true and then fire. But i wasnt sure if this really worked consistently (it seemed to have worked though, i just wasnt sure if its guaranteed, or a fluke).

  • One approach I am trying now to overcome this is to turn all onStartLayout code segments into Functions, and then have only one onStartLayout that calls all functions.,

  • Hi,

    To better structure the code of the game, I am using include event sheets extensively. I have one include event sheet that includes all other event sheets, and that is included in all other layout event sheets. Like this if i want to add event/action behavior across all game layouts in can do so by creating a new "include" event sheet.


    Layout1-Events sheet includes IncludeInAllEventSheets-Events.

    IncludeAllEventSheets-Event includes





    Now, my question. If I have an onStartLayout trigger in event sheet 1 and event sheet 2 and event sheet 3 and in Layout1-Events, can I assume that the order in which the onStartLayout will be triggered will be according to the include event sheet sequence?



    p.s. If no order can be guaranteed, then I would suggest adding a priority/sequence attribute to each Event trigger, which ensures that same triggers are ordered in the event queue. In essence turning them into "nested" events as it were

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  • Hi,

    I created 4 levels of nested JSON, using four levels of dictionary, as follows:

    D1 includes (key,value) pairs

    D2 includes (key, D1.asJSON) pairs

    D3 includes (key, D2,asJSON) pairs

    D4 includes (key, D3.asJSON)

    Finally I save D4.asJSON into a text file using webnodekit save function.

    I then used a number of online JSON to XML and JSON to CVS converted, and none was able to parse the nested JSON -- even though a number of converters specifically mentioned nested JSON as input.

    Any idea why this may be the case.


  • Sargas,

    I of course again agree with you. And I am again looking at efficiency and self-documentation. Its better to allow families in families, than requiring the developer to readd all object types in a second family. Because, its easier to do, therefore less error prone, and its also more self explanatory, looking at the family in families.

  • Yes, I know. But, its not so useful for comments related to ongoing design thinking.

  • Hi,

    I am currently using an "agile" development tool to keep track of requirements and project notes. But, I think it would be great if there could be a work-log integrated in C2. Perhaps similiar to the Visual Studio IDE or Eclipse.

    First, perhaps the ability to add notes to each layout, and perhaps notes to the whole game. Later, perhaps also a todo list that is managed.

  • Hi,

    To simulate class hierarchies and also multiple classification, it would be very helpful to support families in families. The "algorthim" for instance detection would only need to be extended to work recursively to find all "picks" in the family and includes other families. This would allow creating very general event code.

    For example,

    I have some code that ensures that whatever is dragged on a screen is put on the top layer. With families in families I could write this event code using one on-top family, in an include layout and include it in all layouts and then just the object types or already existing families of object types into the on-top family. Like this the right instances would be identified automatically.


  • Thanks jayderyu,

    Yes, i know its on the todo list but its not high up there and from what Ashley says its a deeper change.

    HUD is only one example. Global is a great feature when you want something across all layouts. Sometimes you want to be more selective, and reuse only across a number of layouts.

  • You can do that, but its tedious. Why not use a visual layout editor, and the press a button and it generates the code for you.

    Same as copy-paste --- you CAN copy paste everything, and the change manually everything when needed. Its already possible, as you say; but its tedious and boring and error prone.

  • Sargas, you need it to work more efficiently.

    Code you can for example put in an even sheet that you include in many other event sheets. For example suppose you want to have a HUD across all layouts, if you copy and paste it into say 20 other layouts, and then want to change somethign you need to go through all 20 layouts and make the change. With code its all in one place.


  • Hi,

    I was thinking about a new feature today that might be useful.

    Once a layout with all its object types is created, to support translating the layout into event/action code. The event/action code can independently recreate all elements in the layout with all properties. Such a feature could be in particular useful to reuse layouts.


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