grossd's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thanks!,

    Indeed I have an antivirus running. I now excluded the folder.


  • Hi,

    I keep having trouble with saving the project.

    I continuously save the project presssing the save icon. I also see periodic autosaves, and yet, sometimes when the project file crashes -- the current version of the game file (capx file) can date back a day, and misses alot. I then go back to most recently autosaved file (tmp or otherwise), and find an almost up to date file -- with some items missing.

    I have no idea why this behavior happens, and its extremely frustrating. I never know, when the project was indeed saved or not.

    Does anyone else experiences such problems?



    p.s. I am using the most recent C2 version ...

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  • Hi zenox98,

    Here is a sample capx file: ... ample.capx

    As you can see, the make invisible button doesn't make the text invisible as long as it flashes. It is further interesting to notice that the invisible action is lost, i.e. after pressing invisible, the text does not become invisible after flashing ends. Only once flashing ended, the invisible action takes effect.



  • Thanks Zenox,

    The events are pretty simple:

    Two buttons, one event "handler" for touching each button. When touching the first button a cue text is made visible and made to flash; when touching the second button, the cue text is hidden. Both event handlers are in parallel to each other.

    Only when the second event hander stops flashing the cue text and then hides the text, the text is really hidden.

  • Hi,

    In my quiz game I flash a cue when a person touches a wrong answer, and present a success messages when the person touches the right answer. Both right and wrong answers are displayed at the same time. The flash behavior is about a second long.

    Interestingly, when i press the wrong answer and then immediately the right answer, even when setting the cue text to invisible, once the cue text flashes, ti does not become invisible until the flash behavior completed. To ensure that the invisible action indeed makes the flashing cue disappear, i must first submit a stop flash action.

    While this is a minor issue, I thought to report it nevertheless since its somewhat counter-intuitive.


  • Hi,

    I happen to develop C2 on a Win7 32 bit machine, and noticed that when C2 runs out of memory (on 4 GB), for example when opening a new layout, C2 stops working and crashes. Usually, this also involves loss of last changes (unless the backup run just before).

    It would be nice if C2 could handle out of memory more gracefully. For example, test if there is enough memory to open a new layout and if not, offer a message to first close other layouts to make more memory available.



  • ramones,

    BTW, one side effect of storing the whole array in one webstore key is that duplicates need to be dealt with explicitly during add; but its very simply done, just by adding another condition: that the value entered is not already contained in the array.

    again, many thanks,



    zeroArray example

    i added an alert, the event after the loop (thats the same as the end of the loop)

    a subevent of the loop will be executed every iteration, but an event with loop as subevent, you can still run another subevent that will not iterate

    BTW, It looks like this example uses a latest C2 beta version 165?, instead of the current official release 163.

  • That's perfect. Thank you for the example and effort.

    Indeed, i didn't think about adding the whole json list, in json, to webstore; but stored each value individually. Your solution is a great simplification because it avoids the need to use dictionary as intermediary.

    Also, it shows that dimension 0,1,1 does work!.


  • I think a sub event is executed for each loop iteration.

  • Thanks Aphrodite,

    The problem with this setup (i.e. at least 1,1,1 dimension) is that location (0,0,0) is initialized to 0. When you then create a loop and use push x to add a value at dimension x, then its added at (1,0,0), leaving location (0,0,0) with the 0. In other words to "push" into location (0,0,0) requires special treatment via a new event or, the use of insertat instead of push.


  • Thanks vtrix, for the info. i tried an array of 0,1,1 and it didnt work, but perhaps i had something else not working. I'll check it.

    this "autorun" feature of an event or function after a loop statement, is this an official documented feature?

    it sounds contrary to the event sheet approach, where no sequence across event statements can be assumed.

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