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  • re: "Not possible"

    I agree. With the right parameterization it can be done, but it would involve other tradeoffs, such as larger event sheets and more parameterization -- which makes the code less understandable.

    re: duplicate code

    I surely understand the "evil" of code duplication. However, during prototyping, code duplication can save significant time and cost -- even if i systematically need to make changes across several event sheets -- and I have to do this rather frequently. These event sheets are btw easy to spot since code duplication is only needed for very similar layouts -- such as when "AB" testing layouts ...

  • Many thanks for the feedback.

    re: "You should try to have all of your quiz layouts using the same event sheet, with any differences that are needed specified in the layout in some way. "

    Since the quiz I am constructing has layouts that are significantly different its not possible to have a common event sheet for all. Instead, I turned it around, extracting commonalities to sheets included in all layouts.

    re: prototyping

    There is a key decision that I have made early on during prototyping, which is to focus on prototyping the game rather than optimizing code, including code reuse, unless absolutely necessary. I rather duplicate code than write parameterized code.

    The reason is simple, debugging parameterized code is hard and one spends a lot of time on this, while at the same time, what really counts early on is working out game ideas that work. Also, as I add new game ideas, new flexibility are identified that are needed in parameterized code -- which further complicate matters.

    What is your experience when trying out new game ideas?

  • Thanks Indie,

    Here are some examples of what i am thinking about:

    1. Internationalization

    My quiz needs to work in more than one language. At this stage I developed a simple but not too efficient solution for that. What do professionals do in cases like this.

    2. Dealing with common pre- and post- processing during each game segment.

    In the quiz there is code that needs to run before and after every quiz screen, example, to start and end timing the quiz length of time. I am currently using a call back feature and include sheets, and a guideline how to construct a main event sheet (always e,g, include eventsheet pre-post). Are there better ways to do this

    3. Global variables

    It turned out that I have a lot of global variables. I am not sure this is good practice. Do professionals avoid global variables, if yes are there different techniques for that (i know of static local ones, is this used extensively)?

    4. etc.

    there could be all kind of additional issues that professional C2 developers know about and deal with in a production environment -- i wonder what those are ... what makes product code different to prototype code ... thats my question

  • Thank you Indie.

    Although I mentioned database, my concern is also C2. How does production code in C2 look like. What are the issues professionals deal with when creating production code.

    In terms of database, i am thinking about linking the game to Wakanda backend, a javascript based NoSQL database -- possibly by creating a plugin for database services. The database would store game behavior data of each user, as well as user profile details.

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  • Hi,

    I have been using C2 so far for prototyping quiz game ideas. I am now wondering, what does it take to develop production quality C2 code / application in general, and a quiz game that includes a centralized database, in particular?

    More specifically, what are the issues that one needs to take care of?

    thank you,


  • I was hoping there was a way to include a library from with C2, without need for plugin dev.

  • Hello,

    I'd like to try out TaffyDB javascript based DB. To use TaffyDB I need to add a link to the library in the header tag. Is there a standard way in C2 to add js library links in the header?



  • Great! thanks.

  • Hi,

    I am using Tiledbackground to create a sold background color, and am setting text color to contrast well with the background.

    I'd like to allow the user to configure the color pallete for the game. This means that the user can choose a different background color and text color. I couldnt see a way to change color for tiled background only to load an image from a URL. I tried to load an image using the image name only, like in AJAX file load, but this failed.

    Is there a way to change colors programmatically both background and text.



  • getting it mixed up all the time

    With your correction my little hack will be even more easily found with google ...

  • Indeed. Working with families allow creating a level of "indirection" - i.e. avoiding the "hard coding" of object types in event and action code. Like this object types can be exchanged, without needing to change any code

  • Interesting idea.

    But the log would then only include function calls. It would be nice to have more details -- such as event clauses, action execution, and perhaps even a dynamic watch list -- like during debugging.

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