Beekiller's Recent Forum Activity

  • For example, I have one fish in the scene, but I want create N fish at the same time in different positions.

    I don’t know how, but in my mind I think yes

  • I need create the same object N times. With a global variable i put the between 2 for 100 for example. But i need create that time.

    With a bucle, but how?

    Thanks for all

  • Ok, i understand, i need to change MP3 to WaV or WebM audio for works everywhere. Im using v.0.39 NW.js, the last version i export the game.

  • Yes can you reload the links?


  • Im trying in c3 but i cant

  • I try to using a personal moving function for moving a caracter in the game. Like the photo, in another game i use a sprite and with personal moving have horizontal move perfect, but doesnt works with text.

    How can i do?

    + FLECHA: Al crearse

    + Sistema: tipojuegoav = 0

    + Sistema: tipoestimuloav = 0

    + Sistema: tipovisualav = 0

    + Sistema: movimientoav = 0

    -> ESTCENTRAL: Establecer el tamaño de fuente a fuenteav pt

    -> ESTCENTRAL: Establecer la velocidad Horizontal de Personalizado en velocidadmovav

    -> ESTCENTRAL: Establecer color de fuente a rvaEx(100, 0, 0)

    I want to move this text into horizontal line. How i can do?

  • Yeah my sounds are in mp3, in wav couldbe better??

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  • I export my game in nw.js; all works fine but sounds dont listen it.

    Which problem is it?


  • Thanks!!!!

  • How i use the two keys at same time like a combo, i only have an action to push 1 key or 1 button of the game pad and i need use two at same time.


  • You can use the program GAZE, change the behaviour of your mouse, could be Work to usenthe mouse ehit tobii

  • I having a some bucles and dont works very well cause i dont know it.

    I have one option game is dont destroy de Spot

    I use a global variable with 0 and 1, 0 the item isnt checked 1 is checked. Like the image.

    I use in my options events, the conditions when i use checked the item put valor into the var 0 or 1 depends if is checked or not.

    Hoy i put into my game this condition?

    Cause i use when the var global is 1 bla bla bla bla when var global is blablablabla When i put it, a big bucle.. I dont know how i can do it.

    Some help please.