rayolaser's Recent Forum Activity

  • Damn... I'm having the same problem. I sent the footage and the Facebook guys said I only need publish_actions but i don't think it works ok.

  • you have to. they'll ask you to capture some footage of the game..

  • that's great! i need to get practice in order to dominate firebase. i'm struggling trying to retrieve a single value using item book! i want to create a password so that my students can advance thru my game with it. i'd change it at the database for every class, so they don't pass the code to other fellas... still no luck!

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  • btw! rexrainbow, gr8 plugins man!

  • so does that mean that nobody has tried this with xdk?? I'm thinking of implementing a solution for my game (which is finally built on xdk) using rex rainbow's plugin for firebase but i'd like to know in advance if it will be a waste of time....

  • Do it!

  • I got it to work now. This is what I did:

    When I exported the project from Construct 2, I unchecked "Use new Intel XDK project format".

    Then I imported it as an HTML project in Intel XDK and specified the root Construct 2 project folder as the location, instead of the folder that I exported to.

    hey, you got it to work meaning... you were able to compile, build, test and find the precise results you wanted?

  • any news on this? i'm getting the same error.... this whole xdk thing is a pain in the balls

    ERROR (-7) from "client:upload-manager": Error in zipping package asset files: : Error in zipping config files: : Error in generating Build Config files: . Error at new ComponentError (C:\Users\Mauricio\AppData\Local\Intel\XDK\xdk\core-modules\public\component-error.js:17:1122) at makeError (file:///C:/Users/Mauricio/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/components/client/upload-manager/upload-manager.js:17:170) at getComponentError (file:///C:/Users/Mauricio/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/components/client/upload-manager/upload-manager.js:17:265) at file:///C:/Users/Mauricio/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/components/client/upload-manager/upload-manager.js:17:21767 at _rejected (file:///C:/Users/Mauricio/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/node_modules/q/q.js:844:24) at file:///C:/Users/Mauricio/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/node_modules/q/q.js:870:30 at Promise.when (file:///C:/Users/Mauricio/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/node_modules/q/q.js:1122:31) at Promise.promise.promiseDispatch (file:///C:/Users/Mauricio/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/node_modules/q/q.js:788:41) at file:///C:/Users/Mauricio/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/node_modules/q/q.js:604:44 at runSingle (file:///C:/Users/Mauricio/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/node_modules/q/q.js:137:13)

    the simulation test works alright, but as soon as i want to build or push the whole thing goes to hell

  • hi i need to use your plugn, any idea how add attachment file and/or include snapshot canvas of layout?

    for example, system take snapshot of canvas and when i send mail snapshot is included?


    That would be awesome!

  • Hey lunarray, great work! I'm trying it out with the node path asset! Thanks!

  • thank you for this. it's beautiful!!!

  • Hey Centra i'm trying that tutorial you recommended ...but I can't find the csv file they are using... let me know if you happened to get pass that

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