[plugin] firebase

From the Asset Store
Firebase Analytics Web App, ( Firebase SDK version 10.0.0 )
  • Hello, HOoo... Error line 61.

    for what is this?

    version contructor2: https://www.scirra.com/construct2/releases/r233

    Thank you

  • Excuse my English:

    I answer myself and thanks anyway, I leave here the data if someone happens.

    This error occurs when working locally.

    It works out well using the plugin using APIV3 rexrainbow.(http://c2rexplugins.weebly.com/rex_firebase_apiv3.html)

    I hope it helps someone who has the same problem and thanks again to rexrainbow x this and other plugins.

    Disculpe mi ingles:

    Me respondo yo mismo y gracias de todas formas, dejo aquí el dato por si le sucede a alguien.

    Este error sucede cuando se trabaja en local.

    Se resuelve tambien usando el plugin de rexrainbow que utiliza APIV3 .

    Espero que ayude a alguien que tenga el mismo problema y gracias nuevamente a rexrainbow x este y otros plugins.

  • paulsoler

    Yes, rex_firebase plugin could not work standalone. rex_firebase_apiV3 is necessary.

  • Wolney

    firebase authentication has several authentication providers -

    1. built-in email & password login, it should be worked in mobile phone with Cordova(Phonegap).

    2. other three party authentication providers like facebook or google+, the problem is how to pop-up login window in mobile phone. It might need other plugin like "In App Browser Plugin". But I do not have any experience of Cordova(Phonegap)



    Good morning Rex and Sang, how are you?

    I was very happy when I saw the plugin Rex_Firebase_Leaderboard work on android with the cranberrygame_CordovaGame plugin.

    How can I use the plugin "In App Browser Plugin" to send the data to the Firebase next to Rex_firebase_Authentication? If you have a link on how I can do this, it will help a lot.

    Thank you Rex and Sang

  • HI Rex or evyrone else here who could help me

    So I want to save variables datas (like localstorage but on internet with Firebase)

    I'm using the "save user variables.capx" example, but in the template, there isn't any variables in the event, so I have some doubts about the expressions and how can I use them.

    Please, does someone could tell me how modify this expression according to my example datas below ?

    ACTION BROWSER : "Gold= " & SaveSlot.BodyValue("Gold")

    ACTION SAVESLOT VALUE : SaveSlot.BodyValue("Gold") + 1

    Here, "Gold" seems to be just the keyname and not the variable....

    My datas example :

    My variable : coins

    My key : "coin_key"

    So What I have to type exactly according to my variable "coin" and my key name "coin_key" ? Please ?....

    Thank you very much

  • You are right, "Gold" is a key not a value, but SaveSlot.BodyValue("Gold") returns a value of the "Gold" key, like an official dictionary object.

  • Ok thank you very much, I will try

    EDIT : Ok, so where I have to insert my variable "coin" ?

    For example, in this expression : Prepare Set Key "Gold" to 100 in slot body

    If I have a variable Coin, can I change it by : Prepare Set Key "Gold" to Coin in slot body

    Key : Gold

    Value : 100 (replace by Coin variable)

    Slot : Body

    Is it correct ?

  • Yes, it is correct. That will save 100 at key "Gold" (or "coin" if you name it).

    Sets properties in firebase api V3 plugin to your firebase project, then you could see the saved data in dashboard.

  • Ok thank you very much

    And finally to export it on Android, i was using Cocoon but I heard people it's not compatible with this plugin.

    What do you use to export your games on android about you ??

  • I don't export my plugins on mobile device.

  • so does that mean that nobody has tried this with xdk?? I'm thinking of implementing a solution for my game (which is finally built on xdk) using rex rainbow's plugin for firebase but i'd like to know in advance if it will be a waste of time....

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  • btw! rexrainbow, gr8 plugins man!

  • so does that mean that nobody has tried this with xdk?? I'm thinking of implementing a solution for my game (which is finally built on xdk) using rex rainbow's plugin for firebase but i'd like to know in advance if it will be a waste of time....

    Someone had exported Firebase on xdk already

  • that's great! i need to get practice in order to dominate firebase. i'm struggling trying to retrieve a single value using item book! i want to create a password so that my students can advance thru my game with it. i'd change it at the database for every class, so they don't pass the code to other fellas... still no luck!

  • xoros

    Here is a demo of lobby and rooms. And Capx file1. Capx file2 - chat room only.

    I had not finished these documents.

    Hey rexrainbow, is this something that you can address?

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ddbpsy9qkln8 ... e.png?dl=0

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