> A month ago the author did not visit the forum, is what I hate about the plugins, I try to use the least possible amount of plugins.
Have to agree with Zebbi.
If you were reporting a bug then I could understand your reaction, but it looks like just because you haven't had a response for a personal question about your current project then you react negatively. A little harse IMO.
I personally don't like to use any plugins - except from R0J0hound - but this is one I would consider due to the excellent support given by the creator since it's inception.
Please be patient - we all do have lives to live outside of C2.
I try not to use many plugins, I do not like having to rely on more people than necessary because sometimes slows down my work, is in general, I do not just mean this plugin, just my opinion, not a negative reaction.
Sorry all for the late answer, got abit of things to do irl.
Sorry for the late answer, could you please elaborate more about 'speed of movement that is running the tween'? I don't really understand, do you mean something like 'current velocity of the tween?' i assume you are trying to make some kind of doppler effect?
Suppose I have a graph want to rotate until its angle 0 using a motion tween with 1 second in duration.
Depending on the initial angle of the graph, the movement will be faster or slower.
Then I want adapt the sound frequency to suit the speed of movement of the tween.
it's possible?