If you are curious how the game is doing since launching, here is a quick history:
- June 2015: Game was launched
- March 2016: Starting monetizing with ads almost a year later
- Dec 2016 and Dec 2017: Huge surges in downloads and revenue ($100-$250 per day) at the end of 2016 and at the end of 2017 due to football season (with downward dips between)
- Jan 2018 - Feb 2019: the app had a steady decline in downloads and revenue (I expected the app to die completely and thought that it had a good run)
- May 2019: App nearly crashed to 0 ($1/day)
- Sept 2019 - Dec 2019: Smaller surge at the end of 2019 due to football season (~$50/day) and then back to trailing down
- Today (pretty consistently), average download of about 100 with roughly $18/day (low as $11 and high of $25)
Closing thoughts:
My other games have not come close to the revenue of Football Dash. It shows that you have to keep trying and maybe make at least 10 games before one becomes successful. "Success" though is different for each person. When I initially released Football Dash, it was about pure creativity and passion. I wasn't trying to make money and would've been happy with just $5/month. To me, launching the game was a success. If you keep that mindset, then you will continue to enjoy creating games.
Many thanks to
Ashley and team for bringing this great product to those who don't have a development background or want a simple, quick, and easy way to make games.