Oh my didn't realize there were replies to this thread. Starting from where I left off.
PunyGames No plans to go full time. Yup, I like it as side projects so no stress and more creativity.
SIMPLE Games I started with c2 then c3 with c3 runtime. It was a pain to migrate it over though.
LukeW I don't think there is a way out of the low scores from earlier versions. It does state the version of the software per review I think, but still affects the overall score. Yeah, the out of date software with people unable to launch is not ideal. I still try to include the lowest version of android possible though. Maybe I should change that.
Shubi For donations I didn't use Paypal. I used mobile IAP. This was both through Google and the PlayStore.
plicatibu No problem. Glad to share!
mathie Ads can only take you so far. $2k a month isn't bad. There are two things to really optimize and get more for the 1.5 million downloads. You need user retention and IAP.
matrixreal 1. Donations are consumable IAP (no paypal) 2. Most revenue is coming from ads 3. I use mainly the default admob networks. I haven't used ad mediation yet. I tried, but couldn't figure it out.