Yeah you can share a link to a file or a screenshot on here.
I would cycle through them by using :
For 0 to family.count
where (pick by comparison) family.IID = loopindex
That cycles through them in order of IID, you would have to work something in for randomness.
I would say you could 'stop' audio on bullet firing then 'play' audio in the same event but it might sound like the audio is cutting off which also isn't great, but it would fix the overlapping sound. The only way to really fix it properly is to cut down the length of the original sound.
How did you freeze them? With disable bullet? Just enable bullet again.
You're looking for System > Pick by comparison. Pick Medals where Medals.UID equal to 1 etc.
I would share the capx on here or in pm, I can debug it. Explaining it won't really help get to the cause of the issue here.
array? When an apple is clicked set an instance variable on the apple to true. Then when button pressed destroy all apples where instance variable is true.
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To call the function you use the action Call "Function".
On "Function", the actions to the right of this run in order when you call the function.
If you destroy the sprite and create it again then it will be created with the default values. That's a way of refreshing it if it's an applicable method to your game.
Here : ... .capx?dl=0
Not sure what you're trying to do with the count_instance variable though.
Pretty much impossible to tell from a screenshot. I would suggest putting some debug logging in, in the form of pushing text to an array. It is useful for working out where things are going wrong. Also look at the array in debug view to see what the value is at 0,y. What is actually wrong, is the animation not as expected? Is it spawning the item? It's not even clear if RemoveFromInv function runs at all and it picks up IDREMOVED value correctly.
Member since 5 Aug, 2013