Add a tag when playing the sound, that way you can add in a check whether the sound is already playing, before playing it again.
Here's an example for C2, but you should be able to do the same thing in C3
https://www.dropbox.com/s/gv7l6ns381q2h ... .capx?dl=1
Without the tag check, you can continually click for a new sound, but with it in clicking will only generate a new sound when the old sound is finished.
mhmm ill give it a try, I wonder though, isn't there an option to stop music? so I play it, after 0.3sec I stop the sound before it shoots another bullet so it will sound like a loop?
If I use a sound that has the full clip firing it can only be used if u hold the shoot button, and if you release it it should stop again otherwise it would keep sound like its firing even if you shoot 1 bullet.