It's simple to do but you didn't mention how they should be ordered. The 'next' object relates to what?
You need to pick the instance properly with a condition like 'slab on collision with player' then any action applied to slab such as set enabled true will apply to the one that collided with the player.
Worked it out name should be ItemPosition.At(InventorySlot.SlotID,0)
Ok i had a look at the file you are referring to loading data from the array when you load into a level. Looks like your condition is wrong in that function should be 'for each inventory slot' I think that's all you need to get going.
I meant logic like this
Under system there are actions for save and load, you can use these to make a save game. It saves everything at once in a state form.
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not checked the file yet but for a platformer game - system save and load should be simple and good enough, did you use this method ?
set the turret variable on start of layout to a global variable value.
Spawn a bullet on the player gun imagepoint and set the bullet angle of motion to 180 if looking left and 0 if looking right. Whether you want a separate gun that's up to you.
Now I look at it more closely, you will know more about it than me. This project doesn't make use of standard pathfinding events and instead physics which is rarely used for top down game.
Member since 5 Aug, 2013