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  • O,O

    android and iOS can play html5 games?

    Anything with an up-to-date browser can play html5 games. Won't be long before marketplaces accept html5 games into their offering.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • The best is to use there Contact page

    but a good old email gets the quickest response

  • Android - lots of wrappers for html 5 games.

    Other phones - require developer licenes for example iOS is $99 to $299 per year etc etc

    Stick with html 5 its all you need. Android, iOS devices can all view/play html5 games. You just need a proper website, loads of traffic, and entertaining games that are ad free and you will pick up sponsors quickly.

  • It's impossible as the license is linked to a persons profile and sharing license will result in both parties losing license.

    There was a 11 year old who asked the same and was given license and the KID decided to pirate it. So you won't get any licenses unless you buy it.

    Construct gives you a free license with 100 event limit which is enough to make small games which you can give away for free. Build a loyal following and you can get funding by your fans using patreon.com

    I warn you though. Don't take people for a ride - the internet isn't as big as you think it is. Your reputation is all you have if you want to make money. Mess with your reputation as the 11 year did and you can kiss your money dreams good bye.

    Work hard making good free games. Build a huge portfollio. Put those games (for free) everywhere you can. Trust me, sooner or later you will attract a sponser, maybe even a position in a company.

    But at 15 you can't get legally get ad revenue / or have a credit card or merchant account or anything, so use your time to build a portfolio of free games until you are old enough to actually make money from them.

  • JosepM,

    Can't spend to much more time helping here lol.

    But the tilemap is pretty good at this.

    Advanced Wars GRID Thread

    Here is the .capx from that thread

    Can can also use map and put image points on that map (see manual)

    And then there is transparent sprites and a few others. Many ways to skin a cat, so they say. Depends on you and your outcome. The Tilemap is pretty cool, I've just started implementing it myself (newish feature) and I am complete noob, but it looks good.

    The manual is one of the best I've come across for software, and suggest you read it, re-read it, bookmark, read, try everything as a test to see what it does. The best way is to do.

    You haven't ever opened it So suggest you get busy on that.


    Thanks, I have tons more, but with new forum lost access to them.

    IS it possible for anyone to share one of their licenses with me? I don think i can afffor Construct 2

    No, its not possible. License is linked to user accounts and nobody wants to risk losing their license because you can't affort it.

    Construct offers a free version and a 100 event limitation which is very generous.

  • Ever thought about a new email address - lol

    Wait for Tom

  • Did you drop it from ... the roof ? (dutoit, du toit, from the roof in french...) Ok, I'll show myself out.

    Well, I thought I would get more tilt by hanging it over the gutter

    Yip - it means from the roof. Who knows what my ancestors did ????, been trying to figure it out my whole life. I asked the british Thatcher if we had anything in common - what you think?

  • Oh, sh1t I dropped my bl$$dy monitor - who gets the bill

  • AnD4D

    Goto your first post in that thread, the thread opener if you will. Click edit and scroll down to the option below the edit screen

    Untick notify me when a reply is posted.

  • Online multiplayer risk, 448 events ^_^

    World Domination, in the arcade

    Lol, what you don't know JosepM is that lennaert is a wizz at construct 2, and i will say that he knows more than 80% of the folks here


    N1, haven't looked at arcade for a little over a month, so missed it. Good job. 448 events - show off -

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