Anyone can help with license?

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From the Asset Store
Game with complete Source-Code (Construct 3 / .c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • let's i try to say to you.

    i'm still 15 y.o i'm from indonesia,and i'm not so rich to buy this license.anyone can give it to me?i would very gratefull if there's someone give to me.

    but i know,noone will give it,because it very private(maybe).

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  • It's impossible as the license is linked to a persons profile and sharing license will result in both parties losing license.

    There was a 11 year old who asked the same and was given license and the KID decided to pirate it. So you won't get any licenses unless you buy it.

    Construct gives you a free license with 100 event limit which is enough to make small games which you can give away for free. Build a loyal following and you can get funding by your fans using

    I warn you though. Don't take people for a ride - the internet isn't as big as you think it is. Your reputation is all you have if you want to make money. Mess with your reputation as the 11 year did and you can kiss your money dreams good bye.

    Work hard making good free games. Build a huge portfollio. Put those games (for free) everywhere you can. Trust me, sooner or later you will attract a sponser, maybe even a position in a company.

    But at 15 you can't get legally get ad revenue / or have a credit card or merchant account or anything, so use your time to build a portfolio of free games until you are old enough to actually make money from them.

  • nice comments

    okay,i will make more than 1 games and put them all on my website,but i just need the license code for making games with android and another phones.

  • Android - lots of wrappers for html 5 games.

    Other phones - require developer licenes for example iOS is $99 to $299 per year etc etc

    Stick with html 5 its all you need. Android, iOS devices can all view/play html5 games. You just need a proper website, loads of traffic, and entertaining games that are ad free and you will pick up sponsors quickly.

  • O,O

    android and iOS can play html5 games?

  • O,O

    android and iOS can play html5 games?

    Anything with an up-to-date browser can play html5 games. Won't be long before marketplaces accept html5 games into their offering.

  • ohh,thanks for your info

  • A quick question, is one license per computer or one license per user?

    because i want to buy one and i want to know if i can use it for 2 computers i have.

    Thanks for all.

  • A quick question, is one license per computer or one license per user?

    because i want to buy one and i want to know if i can use it for 2 computers i have.

    Thanks for all.

    Here are the Details

    The license is for the individual rather than their computer. This means you can use your licensed copy of Construct 2 on as many computers as you like, so long as you are the only one using it. Other people must buy their own license. Remember Construct 2 can be used as portable software (see Installing Construct 2). You can put your license file in the install directory on a removable drive and take your licensed copy of Construct 2 to any computer.

    That about sums it up. I have it installed on various machines (office, laptop and gaming pc) I've also installed it on my wifes ancient toshiba to test performance on one of my games. But generally I work off my gaming pc (I like Power) can run multiple applications on multiple monitors - got to love it.

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