DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • See below.

    *Delete me*

  • heh...

    Unbounded scrolling /yes

    Okay, that makes sense. cool

  • Your name is a company You are a sole proprietor.

  • Nimmermehr7,

    You'll never stop cheating.

    But using your online save setup senario, when they come online to play, check if online = offline stats (the ones you don't want them changing offline, and if it doesn't match ban them, tell them they cheating

  • Open Construct2, click new, scroll down list to Template: Driving game. Sprite2 behaviors have solid enabled. Nothing can go through it.

    You can also give your car a behavior called bound to layout.

  • not to be bothersome... but status?

    Project was shelved. And Author left for awhile

  • DUTOIT Guizmus Thanks!

    I want to work with the best practices I can... I get more relaxed with your advices. I want to works as you say DUTOIT, with groups and sections... As say Guizmus, I suppose is a very bad practice do not destroy what you are not using... and I think for do this you have to organize the project in the correct way... Ithink isn't easy do this for me at moment, but I will try... any advice about nice practices?

    I come from php programming and C# so I like OOP.

    Adivice? None, really because each has his own way of doing something - but one thing is universal - COMMENT EVERYTHING - lol. Spend more time commenting and be as detailed as you can.

    shortcut is "q" Every event hit q and write what it does and needs to work.

    Other than that. Able/Disable groups is a lifesaver

    and nothing wrong with toggle able/disable events. Don't delete until you are happy new event is better than old.

    And Bookmarks are cool too.

    Learn them and there shortcuts.

  • I do this and haven't seen a problem. Remember that when you export, it compiles it together. The folders etc are just for our benifit, and for us to group, segment, whatever we want.

    I like a main eventsheet with groups and includes to other event sheets. This way i can turn on/off sections of game. I build everything in groups/sections (self sustainable groups if I can)

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  • Is there a cap for how many players can be in a match together?

    What's the largest amount of players that the multiplayer test can handle?

    Are you talking the new multiplayer that is coming to beta soon?

    Very Little is known at this stage

    or a custom made one with websockets?

    Personally would never put more than 6 to 12 people together. Ideal would be 2 to 6 playing together. There is a pokemon demo running somewhere with 100,000 - see it on twitch using normal chat box so anything is possible.

  • Lol, you're right - must be a bug. Post in bug thread and I'm sure Ashley will respond.

    NOTE: I've never used OUTER, so don't know what it would normally look like

  • Roccinio,

    The two capx I posted couple posts up is pretty close.

    The underlying issue is language barrier. Non english speaking come across as extremely short and rude, when they in life probably aren't. cesarzevil and myself have bumped heads in the past over mis-communication.

  • Agreed, and if you want to charge for education wrap in around a course like ArcadEd did (he has 3 in udemy and are pretty cool)


    Completely forgot about this topic and i was following it. What development did you make? Where did cesarzevil go? Did he make any progress with the tutorial and example he said he would do?

    Keen to see how you did it in 10 events (impressive)

    Adding this as example (not mine, and can't find original forum thread due to new forum - lost so much)

    Graphook (Author Unkown)

    Spider Web Moving (Author Unkown)

    Will search for source for above capx, sorry lost so much bookmarks with new forum.

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Member since 17 Jul, 2013

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