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    i have cracked c2 :3

    I know - that is why I reported you awhile ago.

    No one can afford to work with someone with cracked version because they stand to lose money/credibility/ etc tec when unlicensed software is introduced and that isn't even considering if legal action is taken.

    OMFG people did i say i needed u to do all my work no maybe some help here and there like everyone else so please stop saying im geting people to help me aka to build the game for me cus there not gunna have have made the most of the game already

    Is the game going to be done in C2?

    You made a most of the big game in 5 days?

    Your account is 5 days old.

    Your topics suggests that you can't even do the most basic of tasks with Construct 2

    Your topics show ZERO work ethic

    You have free C2 version, personal, or business?

    You say you have made most of the game - How did you do a couple thousand event game in under 100 events?

    Please understand, I am saying exactly what I see.

  • You're asking the developers to live off nothing?

    Lol, no he is asking why he needs to pay iOS License to submit games. Why the marketplaces require onceoff/annual fees.

    Was answered above by newt: "To limit abuse"

    But at 13 your goal isn't about submitting to those marketplaces. You're goal is to get good at making games, learning new things (C# or C++ etc)

    You have 5 years to learn anything you want, to make tons of small games that you can put on your website as a portfolio.

    You have 5 years that none of us have - you are ahead of every developer i know.

    When you turn 18, you going to have a huge portfolio, a skill set, and a merchant account - 1 word: Unstoppable

    This topic has been continued Here

    Sidenote: not good to spam board with multiple topics on same thing.

  • roracle do u no how to make a shop system?

    I replied to your other topic. Stop spaming the board or I will report you.

    As to answer this ... Guizmus already did this for you, he took time making you a simple shop system and I showed you how to dress your character.

    For anyone reading this: What was made for him was simple. All that is required is a little work on his side to polish it. We suggested tutorials, examples etc and he hasn't bothered to learn.

    He hasn't even read 20 pages of the manual.

    So now I'm annoyed, I've wasted countless time trying to help him (he is 14 or 15 I think) but he just isn't commited to helping himself.

    And you say you got great ideas.

    Ideas are worth nothing unless they given life, made a reality.

    I've tried to help you as best I can. 1 less person tohelp = 1 more person I can help.


    Not shit its either u wanna be on the team or not this game is gunna make money :3

    So what you're saying in response to my question is you want me to make the game for you. Because you can't do nothing. And i must either be on board with that, or not because this game is going to make money.

    My response is fat chance. When hell freezes over.

    I asked a valid question: What will you bring to the table? I know you can't program. I know you can't design. So my question was valid. If I have to do the programming and design then what are you going to do???

  • https://www.scirra.com/blog/106/construct-2-on-steam

    Unfortunately we cannot offer Steam keys to future purchases from our site, but if you bought on or before January 26th


    That is no longer valid, hasn't been since last year Jan. It clearly states that... only purchases before Jan26 2013 can get steam license and no new purchases

    What will you bring to the table?

  • I actually disagree with a loto f DUOIT's opinion on the difference between Pro and Hobbyist. Though my favorite and I feel has some truth to it.

    "Hobbyist is someone that copy pastes code in an attempt to make a product.

    Pro is someone that makes the game that other people want to copy paste."

    I may actually use this in a sig

    Sure you can steal it, and off course you are allowed to disagree I might join you on that tomorrow.

    Hard to pinpoint pro vs hobbyist (entire books are geared towards being a pro).

    But I will stand that pro = 1000 billable hours under your belt. That means you are making money which means someone thinks you're good enough to pay.

  • Hobbyist is someone that designs games hoping that people like them.

    Pro is someone that designs games knowing tha people like them.

    Hobbyist is someone that copy pastes code in an attempt to make a product.

    Pro is someone that makes the game game that other people want to copy paste.

    Hobbyist codes when he feels like it.

    Pro codes full stop (whether he wants to or not)

    Difference between a hobbyist and a pro is 1,000 billable hours.

    A pro would say...

    1) I don't care if you quit or not - what do you want to do?

    2) Market research / Luck / but above all make better games. Flappy Bird is a 1 in a billion chance - not very good odds. Don't make junk games - make engaging, entertaining games that people want to lose themselves is for a long time.

    Oh, spend $$$ for the best graphics you can. People buy good looking games, people continue to buy entertaining, challenging, funny, etc etc etc games

  • Try Construct 3

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  • You Are using TextBox and Buttons, the tutorial obviously used textbox

    TextBox and Buttons don't have those options. You have to manually change css using an event.

    on start layer - click TextBox or Button and use set css style and add your styles there

    Edit: or possibly they wrote a plugin / or using a plugin?

  • 1) None can beat C2 html5 games with regards to performace. It rocks. Newgrounds, yip you can upload games there no problem at all. Seen a whole lot there.

    2) It is completely dependant on the device used to run the game. You would never run Call of duty: Ghosts on a phone (It isn't possible)

    But on a browser using a standard pc you won't have issues. Of course, that is if you are sensible about your graphics. A 1000 Huge resolution images of small game assets (bullet, sword, blade of grass) which on screen is 15,15 or similiar is overkill and will land you in trouble.

    Sidenote: I love unity, but it has a very very very very very steep learning curve. I used C2 to mockup for unity and fell in love with how simple C2 is. I haven't opened unity for 2 months now - lol

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