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  • in the latest update webgpu both in viewport and in-game isn´t rendering anything, on beta release at least , i havent tested safe, if i turn web gpu off and restart construct all object appear fine.

  • roger that, thanks for your input, with all the advancement on ai and speech synthesis i thought it would be easier by now.

    while it still would sound fairly monotone, in a game where all characters are robots, not only it would work in my tests it can be hilarious. and of course there's no need for any recording, just type your text, add some pauses here and there and it works.

    im surprised not many companies use this, the only one that comes to mind lately is The Finals but that is obviously another level of quality.

  • thanks for your response,

    I've researched bit on the subject and even went to chat GPT for help on the subject lol, and both on the web and chat GPT mention webspeech API \ or javaspeech API that can be downloaded and used offline. My understanding ( and correct me if I'm wrong) is that the API is the programming already done for the speech phonemes, since there's this in JavaScript, cant construct use the API and my own recordings to "piece" it together ?

  • looking for programmer that can write me a built in text-to-speech in construct 3 for game.

    I'm searching for a built in TTS in game that doesn't require internet to fetch different voices ( i think that's how it works ), i can record my own voice if possible, and use that to generate the tts for characters and add effects like pitch, speed, distortion and anything that can make a character sound like a literal robot, but still English speaking.

    basically if possible i would just write the lines in construct assign those to a character and the effect parameters and thats it.

    Will pay.

  • Hi guys. Any idea why everytime I run the desktop build and close it, I can't run it again before deleting the construct 3 appdata?

    It either hangs with nothing ever happening OR tells me I need to give it admin rights (despite having those) and spewing somekind of access error in the dump as far as I can read?

    I really really don't like the browser version. Any clues?


    ye thats an ongoing issue, but it only happens if you use beta version, i switched to only stable for now to avoid it.

  • ye theres something weird goin on, it works then it doenst then it does, its driving me a bit crazy ?

  • I think this will be a very difficult task.

    I have a primitive text-to-speech demo where each letter is spelled as is, check it out:

    very nice, there are quite a few videos on youtube on creating java tts, but for a non coder like me its chinese :P

  • hello there,

    is it possible to make a built from scratch tts into a contruct project ? not the one it already has because it has windows and browser limitations.

    i mean making one from scratch and adding your own voice files and effects so its always in the project and works everywhere.

    is it hard to make something like that?

    id be willing to pay a coder for it if possible

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  • hello try in project properties \ advanced and change script type from module to classic, if it works in classic its because one or several of your plugins or addons are outdated.

    hello tenta nas project properties \ advanced e mudar o scripts type de module para classic, se funcionar é porque um ou varios plugins ou addons k estas a usar estao outdated.

  • welcome, to create a layout is on the project bar by right clicking on the layouts folder and adding.

    bem vindo, para criar um layout é na barra de projecto clicando botao direito na pasta layouts e adicionando .

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  • Try using each addon one at a time in a new project.

    aye , did just that.

    seems to be all of them ? D:

    on update 228 it crashes on preview

    on update 229 it freezes on loading preview

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