GameeApp's Recent Forum Activity

  • newt No, just one time, since it's a global plugin.

  • newt Sorry, I did not understand you, can you explain some more?

  • Keyo It is allowed and most welcome - GAMEE only does not have any specific tools, so to create live multiplayer you might need to use other tools.

  • Xavier Actually no, GAMEE does not support multiplayer, GAMEE's platform allows you to store and retrieve data, it allows you to challenge your friends and other players on GAMEE platform.

    You can create a multiplayer game, without another plugin like the official one, and then integrate GAMEE to store high score and challenge your friend's high score.

  • Yes you can test using the emulator from here "", and you can add a Browser->Log Action for the returned data of GAMEE.gameeSocialData, then press Ctrl Shift J (on Windows) or Ctrl Option J (on Mac) to see the console and the data structure.

    And it will be a json array that contains objects like this

    	name : "playerName", 
    	avatar : "url?", 
    	highScore: 1000 
  • EDIT: Results Added!

    Construct Jam Vol. 2 Results

    1. Tamachi Jump

    2. Don't Trip the Teckel

    3. Cats vs. Dogs

    4. Greatest Element

    5. Waiting Planet

    6. In Mexico Royale & Sunset Opacity

    Congratulations to the winners!


    Hi guys!

    Do you remember GAMEE? We did a cool Game Jam together last year and since it was a ton of fun, we are back with another one! This time, we tried to learn from our experience and we hope for an even better experience!

    So, the important info - we start this Sunday, 2nd of June. That's when we will send out more info!

    Stay tuned till then!

    GAMEE Team


    EDIT - 2nd of June 2019

    All right, who is ready to jam?

    This year, we are taking the Jam up a notch! The clock has just started ticking, you have 6 weeks to show what you got! We have some cool prizes lined up, besides the obvious bragging rights for the winners!

    So, let's get to the important info.

    Theme? Battle with Friends.

    Deadline? 14th of July

    Grand Prize? Xbox One X / PS4 (you choose)

    Requirements? Follow the theme and implement GameeJS framework using provided plugins.

    More info?

    Have questions?

    Have more questions? or here at the forum

    Let's Jam!


  • Phacanu

    We do indeed have plugins for C2 & C3, but those are only supporting basic functions and we sadly do not work with the developer behind those plugins anymore.


    Email sent!

  • Hi everyone!

    Who are we? GAMEE is a platform for hyper casual games, connecting players across platforms.

    We are looking for developers with previous experince in creating C2 and C3 plugins.

    You can remember us from one of the Gamejams in earlier this year -

    The idea is to create plugins that will make it easy to export games from C2 and C3 to work with GAMEE platform.

    The plugins would have to implement features from our framework:

    - basic features -

    - advanced features -

    If you are interested, let's get in touch to discuss more!

    For GAMEE team, Martin.

  • GameeApp I forgot to tag you at my previous post, can I have some feedback for my game Gravity Push? Thanks!!!

    Sent as a PM

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Hi! when they deliver the C3 subscription?

    In progress, please give us few more days, thanks

  • >

    > > GG again everyone! Nice art nax89, certainly a mistake... <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes">

    > >

    > > ReClown is now on the Scirra Arcade (2nd dev version).

    > > "Construct"ive feedback and comments are welcome! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool">

    > > ... lown-27719

    > >

    > ReClown it's really good, I like the feeling of the game and the tight controls, congrats! Yesterday I was second on the top score <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool">


    Thank you very much nax89! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    XpMonster destroyed rank! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":o" title="Surprised">

    Hi again GameeApp, could I have a PM feedback for ReClown too, please? Thanks! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Sent as PM <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • Hello Maybe someone knows Who created the Mimic Number game on GameJam?

    I do

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