GameeApp's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello Developers!

    The moment has come - we have the results of the competition ready!

    The judges went through your games, played them and rated them in categories of gameplay, usability, overall experience and with bonus points for anything eye-catching!

    Without further ado, here are our winners:

    1st place - Crossed Fire

    2nd place - Miny Miners

    3rd place - Pirate Ninja Trainer

    4th place - Space Astro

    5th place - Brick Rain

    6th place - Hotel SPA

    You can find links to playable versions of all the games submitted (except for those who did not want to be shown) on this link.

    We have received many interesting games which did not win, BUT we would like to cooperate with you further, so please check your emails in upcoming few days.

    If you have 2 minutes to spare, we would like to ask you few questions about the contest in general, our framework and our emulator.

    ....:::: Please fill this form -

    We want to use your feedback and improve so when the next contest comes along, this will be even better experience for everyone!


  • Hello developers!

    Thank you for participating in our first ever GameJam in cooperation with Scirra. We hope you had fun!

    The winners announcement is coming soon, 11th of March!

    Until then we would like to ask you few questions about the contest in general, our framework and our emulator.

    We want to use your feedback and improve so when the next contest comes along, this will be even better experience for everyone!

    ....:::: Please fill this form ->

    Thank you for your time, this should not take more than 5 minutes.


    gatostao end of this week I hope

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  • Ok guys, this is it - the submission period is over (ok, was over at midnight but I spend last day going through all your submissions! ).

    I have just one thing to say - WOW!

    You blew us away with your games. We started this competition with goal of receiving 10 games. WE GOT 90! That is huge and I want to thank every single one of you for taking your time and participating.

    So what is next?

    Your games will be evaluated by our judges and we announce TOP 6 + 4 honorable mentions on 11th of March (our site, our social networks and off course here).

    In the meantime we will create a landing page with all the submitted games (if someone does not want his/her game shown, please PM me) in form of emulator links.

    I hope you all had fun creating and playing.

    We love it and hope do another one soon (I know we need to work on the emulator a little bit as well )

    Thank you guys,

    Martin & Michal & GAMEE Team

  • Thanks guys!

    nax89 I've done that - I downloaded the attachment, put it in my dropbox and sent them a link. I hope GameeApp can make an exception here ... otherwise this would be a ridiculous waste of the last two week.

    I saw your post here and I just saw your game - no problem, since you were done before the deadline, your game is oficially accepted!

  • Ok guys, if anybody is still working on their game - time to finish it and submit it, less than 4 hours to go!

  • Just posted mine. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to finalize it as well I hoped. Well, better done than perfect.

    Good luck to everyone!!

    Still it is pretty good, thank you for your submission!

  • Hi. Thanks both Construct and GameeApp teams for this contest. I was wondering. Is it ok for us to share links of our entries to the contest here? Or may this cause a penalty?


    No problem, we want to publish all the games on our website in few days (emulator links with credit to authors, NOT as Gamee games) anyway

  • > Quick announcement - last 7 hours of this competition, if you didn't submit game yet and you are working on something, hurry up


    Done!!! Had to rush to get rid of the last bugs (which of course show up at the last test) since i do not have time today to keep working on it...

    Glad I could participate, it was an excelent exercise to deliver a product in a platform I had never worked with (Both construct and GameeApp).

    Good luck to all!


    Thanks for your game!

  • > Quick announcement - last 7 hours of this competition, if you didn't submit game yet and you are working on something, hurry up


    Just sent mine (Cyber Escape) =)

    Thanks for the heads up!

    Good job, nice game

  • Quick announcement - last 7 hours of this competition, if you didn't submit game yet and you are working on something, hurry up

  • GameeApp

    I have a suggestion

    if you are thinking of using the construct2 or 3

    to create games for GAMEE platform

    need to add in GAMEE plugin

    Button for sound with action disable or enable and visible or invisible

    also Buttons for Touch with action disable or enable and visible or invisible

    Yes of course. This should be done

  • I made the game and access it normally through the emulator.

    But when I export to HTML and I will view the page index.html in the emulator it is not loaded. This occurs both locally and on the hosting server. What am I doing wrong? Do I have to insert some code in the index.html page? Do I have to add something in the export directory of the index.html page?

    Thank you!

    No you do not have to add anything. First, are you using construct 2 or 3?

    Also I suggest (because exported game comes with service worker), to delete cache and service worker files from exported games (remove sw.js).

    Navigate to domain where you host game localy or remotly. Hit F12. Continue as in this answer:

    Try the game in emulator again.

    If it doesnt help, I need more specific details, console.log screenshot would help.

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