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  • Yes I saw that - an unsigned or debug .apk

    I exported as an Android Studio project and imported it into AS then exported it as a signed release .apk - the only issue with this is it doesn’t seem to export the full range or correct icons. I think I have to edit the list of file paths to the icons to include the full list as Construct only links to a handful on export.

  • I've exported it as an Android Studio project then imported it into AS.

    I then generated a signed APK and installed that on my test Android phone.

    I press the button that points to the social share events/actions and nothing happens.


    Just tried it with a debug .apk also - still not working.

    Are the following events/actions correct:

    Touch > On touched Button > SocialSharingPlugin > Share Subject: "Subject here" Text: "Text here &Highscore&" URL: ""

    Are there other events/actions that need to added alongside these to make it work? Are there other plugins I need to add?

  • Up until now when building my app I've had to build via Phonegap Build as I was using third party plugins. As of now I no longer need to use these third party plugins so can build without PGB - except I don't know how to do this.

    I have both Android Studio and XCode installed so I can build for both Android and iOS.

    Can anyone show me which export builds I need, plus which files to open in Android Studio and XCode and how to export final .apk and .ipa files?

    Thanks all

  • Just thinking - do we need to also add the JavaScript plugin to make this work?

  • Iain at Scirra has very kindly knocked together a native social sharing plugin ( after I was having plugin clashes when building via Phonegap Build.

    Not sure how this works though. I've installed the plugin and have added:

    Touch > On touched Button > SocialSharingPlugin > Share Subject: “Subject here” Text: “Text here &Highscore&” URL: “”

    And nothing seems to happen once built.

    Any ideas?

  • What’s everyone planning for the introduction of the new European GDPR laws on May 28th regarding having to request permission to store and retain personal information and serve banner adverts? Apparently without the express permission of the end user games or other apps cannot serve banner adverts plus the game (or creator) must securely store the user data and securely dispose of individual user data if requested to do so.

    Essentially this new law seems to apply to every developer who owns an app. Developers may need to supply consent functionality for the end user to opt in to, plus store and manage that data that they neither want nor benefit from - and let’s be honest, which user wants to opt in to having adverts in their games? There’s a lot up in the air regarding this at the moment but the general consensus seems to be that if after the 28th May your app(s) don’t comply with this law then you’re contravening EU law. Don’t think that it concerns you because you’re based or live outside of the EU? Wrong - if a European accesses your app outside of the EU they’re still protected by EU law and so you can’t simply switch your app off for EU users (why would you want to anyway?).

    The simplest solution is to switch off your ads completely and opt for a payed app model. This however will see those relying on banner ads for income’s profits plummet. It may also see the profits of Google’s admob service plummet too - Google have been very sketchy on how they plan to handle this, they’ve made some noises regarding a revised SDK to help developers but as of yet there’s been nothing concrete, which is odd as they seem to lose billions if their claims that they pay devs billions via Admob each year are to be believed. Big losses could also happen for larger dev houses such as Ketcapp and Voodoo who stuff all of their hypercasual apps with banner ads.

    Anyone got any thoughts on this?

  • Hello all - is there a resource to download simple sprite fonts?

    Also - is there a tutorial online to show how to replace the standard sprite font with new sprite fonts?

    cheers all

  • I’m thinking of building my next app with a pixelated look. I’ll be building in 4K portrait mode with a resolution of 2160 x 3840.

    What ratio of number of pixel squares will I need to simulate a single pixel?

    Thanks all

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  • I’m having an issue with it also.

    Occasionally it logs in and posts my high score to the leaderboard, but more often than not it gives me the ‘connecting to Google Play’ pop-up, then a spinning wheel and then nothing. Other times it connects fine. There doesn’t seem to be any pattern.

    I’m also having a problem with the Google Play plugin clashing with the Ultimate Ads plugin (bought from the store) - I’ve raised this issue with Scirra on the bug forum and am waiting for them to look into it.

  • I show an interstitial every 10 deaths.

    I have a counter that adds 1 each death. Then when the counter reaches 9 I load an interstitial and when it reaches 10 I display the interstitial and reset the counter back to 0 and the process starts again.

  • Hello folks, just resurrecting an old thread of mine.

    I currently have an app that saves high score to local storage.

    If I upload the app as Version 1.0 and user downloads it and get a high score of 100, and then I make a couple of amends and reupload it as Version 1.5 and the user updates the app, will their high score be reset to 0 or will it remain at 100?

    I know it will be reset if they delete the app then redownload it, but what if the app is just updated? Will they lose their high score?

  • Just done some testing and it seems the Google Play plugin knocks out the UA plugin on my build.

    Export for android and build via Phonegap and the ads don’t appear.

    Then export for Android and comment out the Google Play plugin in the config.xml and build via Phonegap and the ads appear.

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